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Migas looked at him dead in the eye with the fire lighting up the cave. Was he being serious right now? Medusa just snored the night away as she curled up around her eggs.
"Y-you're joking." She stated looking at her friend.
"I'm not. You're my half sister." He repeated. Okay, HOW DID SHE NOT KNOW THIS BEFORE HAND?! It was so obvious the more she thought about it. They both had the same eye colour which she changed for reasons daily. Also they both could always use demon magic. Lord, why didn't she know this sooner.
"Oh come on Angel, it's not so bad being my sibling. I think." He grinned. Migas just looked at him for another moment before sobbing. Which by the way made Mel jump.
"Why are you crying?" He asked.
"I-If I'm your h-half sister that means m-my mom ruined your parents marriage. I-I'm sorry." She stated whipping the tears out of her eyes. Mel pulled her into a hug.
"Stop apologizing for what your mother did. You had no control over it. Though I thought she was married too." Mel mumbled the last part. Soon all you could hear that night was sobbing. Mel thought back to what he saw today. She killed him almost instantly. It was almost as if she had done this before.
"She did." Migas sighed as she looked outside of the cave. Mel looked at Migas. She had a dark vibe coming off of her. Entire her face looked dark. Almost as if it was remembering something dark that she did. Or something that happened. Wait. What did she mean by did?
"Migas did you-" he didn't finish his sentence. He didn't need to. He already knew the answer. They sat their in silence for a couple moments before a voice spoke up.
"He did things. He did things to Medusa and mom knew it. That man also loved to hurt me with whips. I hated him with my entire being. Then one night I woke up and he was on top of her. That's when I first used magic. I killed him within seconds. After that I stopped ageing. Mom knew that she'd be stuck with me for so the rest of her days. So she sent people to toucher me for fun. Each time one would die she'd send a new one that seemed more evil. Yet, mom was stupid. The screams were what eventually lead to Hella finding me." Migas explained.
"Your mom is a bigger asshole than my dad." Meliodas stated making Migas giggled a bit. Lord that laugh meant the world to him right now.
"So I wanna know, how old are you?" Mel asked hopping to get a little sister.
"I am around 2999 years old until July 31st." She smiled.
"Damn it."
"What? What did I say wrong?"
"We are the same age and share the same birthday. I was hoping you were younger than me."
"Well seeing as we don't know what time we were born, I guess we're kinda twins in a way."
"Oh my god. I always wanted a sister to dress up in frilly clothes and beat up asshole guys for hurting her."
"Nope. Not happening."
"Can't blame me for trying." Mel giggled. Migas began laughing. Which made Mel laugh. In the end you had to half breed demons half siblings laughing loudly for basically no reason. Soon this woke Medusa up. She was going to say something but, stopped her self seeing the two of them getting along like she and her brother used too. Yet, that was so long ago she almost forgot siblings used to act like this. With a happy grin she went back to sleep as the two siblings laughed their asses off for no reason. Well, Mel started telling random jokes he had heard over the years for no reason really.
The next morning Medusa let out a large yawn as she stretched her long boney arms. As she slithered away from her eggs, her eyes fell on the two siblings. Migas was fast asleep. As was Mel but, his arms were hugging her lightly. A smile spread across her face. Lord these people were cute.

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