Statue frog

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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN'T FIND HER!" Migas screamed. Mel put his finger to his lips to tell her to be quiet. He pointed at the two snake monster babies in the nest.
"Angel, I mean I can't find Fidi anywhere." Mel stated getting nervous. Medusa would return any minute with dinner to find her daughter had gone missing. They were so dead.
"Well then go look for her while I keep an eye out and possibly stall Medusa." Migas snapped back running to the front of the cave. Quickly Mel searched everywhere. First he checked under the sheets on Migas's bed. Fidi wasn't there. Then his. Next he checked the caldron that dinner was made in nightly. She wasn't there either. Soon he was looking in the far back of the cave where Medusa put all the stone statues of the people who tried to enter her cave. They were basically all human men. There were a few vampires here and there. Oh and one fairy. As he walked passed the statutes he crushed the bones of animals her snake hair ate daily. So there was an awful crunching sound every time he walked.
"Fidi, Fidi. Where are you? You know your mommy will kill me if we lose you." Mel stated looking behind the a statue of a holy knight. Then another holy night statue. Soon he had looked behind ten maybe twenty holy knight statues. Lord these men wanted to kill Medusa badly.
"Fidi, Fidi!" He repeated looking behind another statute. Just as he was about to give up her heard babbling coming from his left. Quickly he ran to the left searching behind statue after statue. His heart racing. What if someone broke into the cave and had kidnapped Fidi? What if the kidnapper was still looking for a way out? What if he had just found it?
Meliodas picked up his speed more as the babbling got louder. Was this what his mom felt like when he used to sneak out of the castle when he was younger? If so then, he would never had done it.
Soon he calmed down as his eyes fell on a very tiny baby with tiny snakes on her head playing with a tiny piece of stone that broke off the statue. It appeared to be a tiny frog. The little dark coloured scarf Mel had gotten her stayed wrapped around her tiny waist as she sat on a tiny skull. On her wrist was an old necklace that Migas had st- I mean bought from a rich asshole woman. Yet, Fidi wore it as a bracelet since it was to big for her. She was waving it back and forth while laughing her little chubby head off.

 She was waving it back and forth while laughing her little chubby head off

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"There you are Fidi." Mel smiled picking her up from under her arms. As her blue eyes fell, on him she began laughing.
"Oh you think scaring me to death is funny?" Mel asked pointing at her nose. She grabbed his finger and dragged it to her mouth. Then proceeded to try to eat it. It was adorable.
"Don't eat my finger before your mommy comes home, K?" He asked Fidi with a grin as they headed back to Migas and her siblings. Just as he placed her back in the nest Medusa came back home.
"I got us some turkey!" She exclaimed holding up the dead bird in one hand and her spear in her free hand. Fidi popped up with her tiny fist in tiny balls with a look of glee on he trace.
"Yes, baby mommy's got us enough food to last us for so long." Medusa smiled looking at her tiny girl.

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