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It was a cold foggy morning. Mel and Migas trudged their feet threw the piles of leaves on the ground. They had just leapt the last town they visited and got a bit of a job in. Though the town did have a lot of money they preferred only to spend it on essentials such as food and....well that was it. That's all Migas let him spend money on. Yet, if it was up to him Mel would have got Migas something else to wear other than her ugly, burned, whipped robes. Though Migas never let him spend a cent on her outfit saying that it didn't matter.
"Are we almost at your friend's place?" Mel yawned looking at his friend. Migas turned around looking into his green eyes with hers which had been identical to his ever since the fire which was two weeks ago. A large smile was on her face.
"Can the little demon not handle walking another mile?" She joked making a pouty face at him. All Mel did was roll his eyes but, he did smile.
"No way Angel. I was just scared your legs were getting swore." He smiled looking at his friend in a mocking sort of way.
"Nah. I had to run this all in one night in order to be free. I'm fine." She smiled as she continued walking. Mel stopped walking and looked at the back of his friend's head.
"You had to run this all in one night?" Mel asked which made Migas stop. She turned around looking at him. Her eyes filled with a bit of fear.
"Yeah." She mumbled looking nervous as she began to play with her wrist.
"That means your faster than me." Mel whined making Migas smile. The two of them continued walking under the trees with orange leaves falling around them. Every now and again a yellow or brown leave fell. Yet, the ground was still covered in bright as well as dark orange leaves. The sun was beginning to rise above the tall trees as they saw a large creepy mansion. It was dark with broken windows. Along with scorch marks on the ground as if the house had caught on fire more than once. Of course Migas stopped to look at it. This was a house like any others she saw before. It fascinated her to great odds. She ran up to the door less entrance. The door hinges were on the door way though. Well at least two of them. It appeared as if the door had been ripped off by a powerful creature. As Mel walked up behind his friend he saw the claw marks on the side of the building. He tried to look into the house but, only saw darkness. Then he got a feeling something or some one was staring at them.
"Angel, maybe we should go. I have a bad feeling about this place." He stated looking around the area for anyone.
"Come on Mel. Stop being such a scaredy cat." She joked before her eyes fell upon something on the ground. Of course she crouched down and picked it up.
"A piece of garlic?" She wondered aloud before looking up only to see a pair of glowing purple eyes. Migas let out a high pitched screech as a creature with skin as pale as snow with glowing purple eye pouched on her. Meliodas tried to pry the creature trying to bite his friend away from her. In the end he held the human like creature a few feet away from Migas who now had a scratch on her forehead as big as a penny which was bleeding a little. Plus her sleeves also had tiny cuts on them as well. Though it appeared as if she ran a knife threw it over and over again. Luckily no one saw the bruises on her arms. Mean the creature tried slashing Meliodas's arm in order to be freed. Did that work? No. The human like creature ended up hissing to try to scare them off.
"What the hell is that thing?" Migas asked getting to her feet. The creature gave Migas the stink eye which made her look more like a corpse.
"A vampire you moron." The creature snapped back at her. Migas began to get nervous and mess with her wrist. Mel turned the vampire to look at him directly in the face. The vampires fangs were very similar to a vampire bats. Probably since they both suck blood. The second their eyes meet Mel spoke up.
"That's not how you treat a lady." He grinned trying to be nice. The vampire rolled her glowing purple eyes.
"Oh and you treating me like this is how treat a lady?" She asked. Mel sighed in defeat but, didn't put her down. Instead he flung her over to his left arm under his shoulder. As he did he began to remembered snapping vampires necks in battle with his brothers. Just thinking about all those he killed made his skin crawl. He was never going to kill anyone like he did back there ever again. Even if they deserved it. Just like this vampire did. As he thought this the sun light shined threw the trees right onto them. The vampire let out a scream of pain as her body began to smoke. Literally. There was actually smoke coming off of her skin as well as her dark purple hair. Her pointy ears began twitching as she screamed again. Migas covered her ears quickly.
"STOP! IT HURTS! PUT ME BACK!" The female vampire begged as burns began to appear in her arms. Mel wanted no time and threw her back into the dark house. The vampire quickly ducked into the shadows under one of the windows were she usually stayed under for the day. She sat there with tears in her eyes from the pain as she inspected the 60 degree burn on her shoulders blade. God it looked bad.
"Let me see." Migas stated making the vampire jump. Mel was right behind her for protection. With a sigh she showed Migas her burn. Migas just looked at it for a couple moments before sending Mel off to go get water to put on the burn. He left but, with a little bit of rush in his steps.
"How many other burns are there on are you?" Migas asked looking at the vampire in the eyes showing no fear. It was quite impressive in the vampires opinion. She shook her head no.
"So how old are you?" Migas asked trying to make a friend while Mel was gone.
"17." The vampire sniffed as she used her right arm to whip her eyes. Migas looked up from the girl's left arm into her eyes. Weren't vampires usually older than this.With a sigh she pointed to her neck showing a bite mark that seemed to belong to bigger fangs than hers. It looked fairly new.
"I got bit a week before the war ended by the last vampire in town. My dad was a hunter so he ended up killing him." She sniffed whipping her eyes again on her ripped right dress sleeve. Mel looked at the girl with fangs in her ripped black commoner dress.
"Where is he now?" Migas asked.
"In town. He saw I became this and he left me here. I've been so lonely. No body knows or cares that I'm gone. I wish he had killed me." She sniffed again.
"No you don't." Migas stated at the vampire.
"Yes I do. Then I wouldn't know I don't mean anything to anybody."
"Well I can tell you know it may not seem like it but, life will get better for you once you get used to this. I mean yo can eat animals instead of people." Migas smiled. The vampire sniffed one more time before crying as loudly as possible. Oh god. Maybe that wasn't the way to word it. She sobbed as loudly as possible making Migas jump.
"I-I'm sorry I-I tried to e-eat y-you." She stated threw her hiccups.
"Uhh. It's fine." Migas smiled trying to think if that was the right thing to say. Then again she wasn't used to people trying to eat her. Maybe if she used to live in a village of cannibals. With a sigh Migas pulled her into a hug even though she knew she could die. If the girl need comfort she was going to get it. No matter what the cost. After all she got hugs from only one person when she needed it. The rest didn't care.
"Y-you just s-smell a-so good. Wh-which is weird since a-a human I-I saw a-a we-week ago s-smelt nothing l-like you o-or your f-friend." She sobbed into Migas's hair in the shadow. As Migas was comforting the girl Meliodas walked back in on his friend being soft. He grinned a bit before Migas motioned for him to come over. Migas held out the burn as Mel held onto the girl's hand. She poured the water over the burn causing the vampire to scream and dig her claws into Mel. Soon Migas was bandaging the girl's arm with a ripped of piece from the bottom of her robe.
"So let me get this straight you guys are Migas and Meliodas? And your traveling to an old friend home?" The vampire asked. They both nodded.
"So are you finally gonna tell us your name miss?" Mel asked squishing her boobs which he got slapped for as quickly as possible.
"It's Luna, you littler perv." She stated looking Meliodas directly in the eyes. Mel sighed. Can't a guy at least try? Oh and maybe not get smacked for once.
~time skip brought to you by Luna's purple hair~
Soon the group of two waved goodbye to Luna as they headed out later that day as they sky darkened because of dark clouds. Luna stood in the shadowy door way waving goodbye to her new friends. As soon as the mansion disappeared from behind a tree Mel began giggling at his friend. Migas looked at him.
"What's so funny?" She asked as they continued walking.
"I just think it's funny that you're a softy." He joked smacking her on the shoulder playfully.
"Oh and playing dolls with a three year old you don't know because she wanted you too, it doesn't count?" She asked as the continued walking. Meliodas's face turned red.
"It's not soft. I just didn't want to see her cry!" Meliodas stated defending himself. Migas giggled.
"Yeah sure it's not."

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