Chapter Seven

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Knott was packing his bag Arthit watching with a sad face.

"Do you really have to go," he asked.

"Mai wants to see me, she said it's important."

"What am I going to do in this room all alone!"

Knott looked at him and rolled his eyes.  "It's only two days Arthit.  I'll be back on Monday."

"There are ghosts in the room.  I swear I hear noises at night."

Knott sighed, "You lived in this room alone for a year before I came.  I know you are pretending Arthit.  Stop whining.  You are making me forget what I am supposed to pack."

"Okay... fine... leave me all alone.  Who knows, a burglar might break in and kill me.  You will miss me when I'm gone."

"This is a university dorm Arthit.  If anyone thinks there are things worth stealing in here, then they are just as stupid as you are."


Knott was waiting for the elevator when Arthit standing by their door, cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled.

"Honey!!!  Come back soon!  I will be waiting for you!!!!!"

Knott showed him the finger getting in the elevator.

Arthit laughed holding his stomach.  He was sure the whole floor might have heard him.  It was a good thing the elevator was already there, or Knott would have definitely walked over and hit him.


Arthit was on the phone with Knott that night.

"Ai Knott, I miss you! Come back soon!"

"You just miss me doing your work.  I just got here you fool.  Try not to die while I'm away.  I don't want to return to a room with a dead body."

"Ai Knott!  did you hear that?"


"There are ghosts, I told you the room was haunted!"

"Seriously Arthit?  That's the best you've got?"

"Okay, okay, I will stop.  Eat all those home-cooked meals.  Tell auntie to send me some snacks for taking you away from me."

"You are worse than Ai Bright."

"But, I'm more handsome than Ai Bright."

"I'm hanging up.  Finally, I am getting some peace, and I'm wasting it talking to you!"

"Goodnight honey!  Kiss kiss."

" Fuck you!"

Arthit smiled hanging up, he may joke around.  But he missed Knott whenever he went home.  The room feels strangely empty without him.  On the other hand, he had something else to worry about.  Kongpob had asked him to go out the next day.



Knott arrived at the university on Monday only to find Arthit behaving completely different.  He didn't speak to anyone and kept mostly to himself.  

It was even more strange because he hadn't even demanded the snacks Knott brought from home, which had never happened before.  What had happened while he was away?

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