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I haven't seen or talked to Dan in almost two weeks and I feel like I'm going a little insane. That day, when Dan kissed me, I was shocked. I was so shocked that I didn't kiss back. Once he realized that I wasn't, he ran out the door and down the street and, boy, he could run.

I tried to go after him, but I am really out of shape and I couldn't keep up. I called him, and texted him but nothing. He hasn't been at school at all and Louise said she's talking all of his work to him. I talked to Lou about Dan. I asked her why he's ignoring me and if he's okay and that if I did something I'm sorry. She told me that he's fine and to stop trying to talk to him.

Those words alone made my heart break because I could tell with the way Louise said that, that those words were coming from Dan and not her.

I can't focus in school and people are starting to notice that I don't look as 'tough' as I usually would. I don't know what to do.


I walk in the halls, shoulders slouched and head down. I don't bother looking up because the only thing I want to see is Dan.

" Oh Philly ", I boy says behind me and I could tell he makes his voice slightly higher than it really is.

I turn around still not looking up. " Why down down?", he says poking at my chest making me take a step backwards. A few other people laugh at the act. I turn back around and begin to walk away. " Hey asshole! Don't walk away from me!". I finally look up and turn to face the guy. He's tall, but not as tall as me. He's on the basketball team. His name is Bryce I think.

Bryce takes a few steps towards me. " Don't walk away from me faggot ". My eyes meet his and with one swift move my knuckles connect with his face. Hard.


I sit in my room. The lights are off and the only thing to light up the room is my laptop screen. I check the time


Lou should be here soon with my work. I will have to go back eventually.

A few minutes later, Lou enters my room without without knocking and sits across from me on my bed. " What?", I ask. She looked concerned and pissed off at the same time. "What? Phil is what".

" I don't want to talk about him".
" Too fucking bad", she says. She hardly ever swears.
" Dan, you're breaking him ".
" W-what do you mean?", I'm terrified of what she'll say. I haven't even told her why I'm ignoring him.
" Dan... he beat up Bryce today in the hallway. Bryce could hardly walk"
I sat with my mouth open as tears formed in my eyes. " That doesn't sound like something he would do, Dan. He's hurting. You are hurting him. ", she spoke but all I could think of was Phil punching someone. It just didn't seem right.
" I-is he going to get expelled?"
" No, suspended for a week "

A sigh of relief left my mouth as I set my head in my hands. " What happened between you guys?"

" I kissed him. And he didn't kiss back. I thought I ruin our friendship so I ran. I don't want to confront him because he'll say that he hates me and that I'm disgusting."

Louise didn't say anything. But she looked as if she was going to hit me. " How can you say that! Are you blind boy?! He's obviously into you! He was probably just shocked! I cannot believe you just said that! The way he looks at you, Dan it's incredible! He loves you for god sake!"

Phil... loves me?

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