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Hoseok perspective

It had been a week since Jin told me about his time in the other world, and i still didn't get it.

He's started acting differently since his accident, he's started acting crazy. I've seen it happen before, my grandpa got into an accident and was forever changed for the worse.

Let's just say he's being held for his and everyone else's safety now.

When his accident happened i was still just a kid and at first i didn't understand the changes that were happening.

I wondered why my grandpa no longer talked, or played, or did anything.

It wasn't till i got older though that i realized what was happening and the effect it had on my grandmother.

I can't go through what she did she's practically been reduced to a zombie.

I headed over to Jin's house for the first time in a week still going over what I'm going to say in my head

I knocked on the door and to my surprise Jin answered. He had a worried look on his face and he looked to be quite tired.

He asked me in and we went over to the couch. I went over it one more time in my head before talking.

"I don't think i can do it"

"What do you mean" he said the worried look on his face getting worse.

I just came out and said it "I can't date you anymore"

"But why"

"Because it can only end in me getting hurt so i just want to get it over with"

I looked at Jin he was in tears, it still hurt me to see him sad. I left his house before i could try and fix what i had done.

As i closed the door tears began to flow down my cheek, i still love him but it's better off this way.

I headed home sulking the whole way. I headed up to my room and laid on my bed, i ended up crying myself to sleep.

Jin perspective

I sat tears streaming, i couldn't believe that Hoseok broke up with me. I cried and cried till i couldn't anymore.

I hid myself in my room, if my mother knew i was crying she would just get worried and annoying.

Hoseok was just about my only ray of sunshine in this bleak situation and it didn't help that he was now gone.

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