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Jin perspective

I was sitting on the couch watching tv in my house alone. My parents were having fun out on a date.

I jumped slightly as someone knocked at the door. I got up and slowly walked to the door wondering who it was so late at night.

I was happy to see namjoon as i opened the front door. I looked to his face he looked sad and it confused me he was so happy just earlier. I looked down to his hand, there was blood on it.

I pulled him into the house and then the bathroom. I cleaned the blood of. His hand relieved that it wasn't his.

I sat him down on the couch before telling him to explain what happened. He slowly told me everything and i could tell that he was ashamed to even be here.

"Do you think i could spend the night, just for tonight because its raining" he asked his head down.

I brought his head up to meet my eyes, "Yea, but you have to stay in my room at all times, and do you want something to eat."

"Thank you and yes if you wouldn't mind" he answered. I'm guessing that he hasn't eaten since lunch.

I brought him up some sandwiches but almost dropped them as i walked in. He was shirtless and his muscles were really nice.

I set the sandwiches down on the table and refused to make eye contact with him while my cheeks were still pink.

"Would you like to borrow some of my clothes while yours dry" i asked heading over to my dresser.

I grabbed a shirt and sweatpants that were comfortable and warm. I told him to put them on while i went to get something to drink.

I came back to the door with two cups and knocked not wanting to walk in on him half naked again.

He told me to come in so i did the clothes fit well enough with the pants being a little tight but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing.

I sat the hot chocolate down on the table before sitting down across from him. "So what do you want to do" i asked.

"I'm actually a bit tired do you think i could sleep."

I told him of course before heading back down stairs to watch some more tv.

I only got to watch for about another hour before my eyes began forcing themselves shut.

I slowly made my way up the stairs and carefully opened the door. I looked around but there was nowhere i could sleep other than the bed. I carefully got into bed trying my best to not wake up Namjoon.

My heart began racing as we were laying face to face on the bed.

Namjoon perspective

I felt as Jin slowly got into bed being careful not to wake me up but i already couldn't sleep. My heart rate sped up as i felt his eyes and then breath on me.

After what felt like forever he turned his back to me, my heartbeat slowed and i went to bed, having someone with me oddly made it easier to sleep.

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