all eyes on nudes

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I paced Harry's office, forcing myself to swallow the vomit that repeatedly rose in my throat. I ignored the burn. Throwing up once was almost enough for Harry to decide taking the meeting with Drew alone was a good idea and I wasn't about to solidify the thought lingering in his mind.

Three days had passed and Harry had only left my side when I was within the walls of my office. Hovering, usually a skill mastered by helicopter parents, had become Harry's life. Even Prone to Hovering Nadia commented Harry's behaviour when I spoke to her on the phone earlier in the day.

"Angel, breathe." Harry placed his hands on my shoulders, squaring my posture. "Remember you can leave at any time."

"You really think this will work? How can we trust that he won't have other copies?" When Harry sat me down and explained his plan we I was shocked by its simplicity and how I hadn't thought of it myself.

"I have back up measures in place, Sasha." To the unknowing eye Harry appeared calm and together but I saw the cracks in his carefully crafted, inscrutable countenance. The tensions lines around his eyes and the ever so slight pursing of his lips were the biggest tip off. "They are things I don't want to involve you in but know I'm taking every step to ensure all the photos are removed from his possession."

I reached up to cup Harry's face in my hand. His eyes closed and he sighed, nuzzling into my hand. "You can't, well you can, but please don't lock me out of decisions that involve me. I appreciate your quest to protect me, Harry, but I don't want protecting. I'm accepting your help because we are meant to be a team."

"I hacked his computer and wiped them," Harry told me, his face draining of colour as though he feared the worst in telling me. I dropped my hand from Harry's face and entwined my fingers with his, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. He gave me a half hearted smile and continued. "Sullivan is in his office as we speak and he has men in Drew's homes wiping all external memory devices. We can't be sure he hasn't got one stashed away in a secret location but honestly, I doubt he is smart enough to do that. He didn't even hide the files on his computer or keep encrypted copies as well as the ones on his desktop."

My stomach lurched and my whole body tensed. Harry pulled me into his chest, rubbing his hand against my back. "You didn't look at them did you?"

"You asked me not to and I respected your request."

I leaned away from Harry and studied his reaction carefully. I wanted to believe him, and for the most part I did, but there was still a part of me that worried he'd simply do what he thought was best for me, regardless of my wishes. There was no sign that he was being deceitful and so I squashed the little voice in my head that was telling me to be cautious.

"This won't stop him, you know. Drew... He doesn't give up easily."

Harry pressed a kiss to my temple and I sighed. I wasn't used to the affectionate gestures, even though I liked them. "I'll be here to help you in any way you want me to. You have to realise you're not alone in this, Angel."

"I know," I mumbled. "But mostly I think it's better if I am."

"I understand that but I promise you, you're stronger as part of a team. Genevieve, Nadia, and myself are all here to support you." His stance had shifted ever so slightly, and his CEO mask had slipped into place. "I wouldn't be nearly as successful if it weren't for the team around me. You can't do it alone."

"You and Nadia will get on like a house on fire," I grumbled, tucking myself under Harry's arm again. I fit neatly into the curve of his body and when Harry relaxed his perfect posture, his chin rested comfortably on my head. "If she hadn't run off to William's to give us space the two of you would have spent the last few days bonding over management theory or something equally as thrilling."

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