Chapter 1

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two girls strut into the bar, where all the Star Fleet cadets are, waving to friends as they make there way to the bar.

James T. Kirk sits at the bar, already drunk and looking for a girl to spend the night with. When he sees two girls walk into the bar walking like they own the place, he notices one of the girls in particular, blonde hair, deep brown eyes and a smile that could blind a man. Her, That's his target, First he'll have to get rid of the friend.

The girls make it to the bar and Eleanor grabs the menu while Uhura orders there friends ask for, " Hi. We'd like a Klavnian fire tea. uhh... three Budweiser classics, two Cardassian sunrises, and a..." Uhura says to the bar tender and looks to Elanor, "Try the Slusho, it's good." the bar tender says to the girls.

Eleanor replies with a smile "The Slusho, Thank you." "That's a lot of drinks for two women." Eleanor leaned over the counter a bit to see a guy, cute guy, but who was clearly drunk off his ass speaking more to her then Uhura. "And a shot of Jack straight up." she says before turning to Uhura hoping it would end the conversation.

"Make that two, shots on me.", But nothings ever that easy is it. "Her shot's on her" Uhura says both to the bar tender and the guy. "Thanks but no thanks." Eleanor says to the guy, "Do you at least want to know my name before you completely reject me?" He asks.

"She's fine without it" Uhura shoots back at him trying to help Ellie, "She is fine without, It's Jim, Jim Kirk."

Ellie looks over at him a bit, she knows that name but she can't remember where from. " If you don't tell me your name, I'm gonna have to make one up." "It's Eleanor." "Eleanor, no way. That's the name I was gonna make up for ya. Eleanor what?" "Just Elanor." "They don't have last names on your world?" "No, you just don't need it."

Thinking he's done she turns back to Uhura who's about to say something when, Jim moves right in between them with his back to Uhura. "So, you're a Cadet, you're studying... what's your focus?" He asks Ellie, "Well I've been told that i would be very good at Xenolinguistics, But you have no idea what that means."

"The study of alien languages, morphology, phonology, syntax. It means you've got a talented tongue." Jim replies flirtatiously while leaning in a bit. "Wow, I'm impressed. For a moment there, I thought you were just a dumb hick who only has sex with farm animals" She shoots back, admitting she's a bit more curious then she probably should be, no harm in just talking......right?

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