O N E - charm and poise

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The girl with the perfect reputation is how they referred to me. From a young age I was taught to act with poise and face the world head on with a ready smile and a powerful charm. I learned to cry behind closed doors, in dimmed lighting, in a soundless environment where no one could hear or see me. If no one sees you suffering, do you really suffer? After a while everything just becomes numb anyway...

I placed the pillows onto my perfectly made bed and quickly flattened out the creases. It was now eleven minutes past six and I still had a fair bit to do before school so I grabbed my hairbrush with intentions to release any knots that had formed in my silky brown hair overnight, not that there ever is any but I still brushed it. 50 brush strokes on one side and 50 on the other. I then pulled back my hair with a white bow in which matched my uniform and tied it up. After my hair was done I got dressed into my uniform, made a batch of banana bread for breakfast and grabbed my bag. Soon enough I was out the door and on my way to the library. I eventually arrived at the library, I had some books that I needed to return.

"Good morning Mrs Jensen" I said cheerfully,
"Why hello, Brooke. Please do call me Fae" Mrs Jensen insisted,
I replied back with a smile "I'm just here to return the books I borrowed last week",
"Oh, of course dear. Did you enjoy them?" Mrs Jensen questioned.
I answered her eagerly "The books were absolutely amazing but I personally love the one in which Reece was so daring and he formed such a mysterious feeling". I looked at my watch intending to check the time, only to discover that it was now quarter to seven. "Goodness me, I must be on my way Mrs Jensen. Thank you for this lovely talk, I will definitely be in here some time soon" I told her.
"Quickly dear, scurry along, I wouldn't want you being late for your schedule", she replied.
"Thank you", I shouted as I rushed out the door of the old library.
I had one more stop in which was a construction site a few blocks away from my school. When I arrived at the construction sit I saw my good friend Luke sitting down on the swing in which they had installed not too long ago. "Good morning Luke, I have brought something for you to snack on throughout the day" I had told him. Luke was a few or more years older than me, he works as hard as he can to earn enough money to provide for his family but unfortunately not enough to provide for himself.
"Hello sunshine", he flashed his pearly whites at me. I rummaged through my bag hurriedly until I found the banana bread that I had prepared this morning. I got the container out of my bag and handed it to him.
"Here you go, it's a fresh batch. I made it this morning, I hope you do enjoy it",
"Thank you, love. You really didn't have to", he had said genuinely.
"Oh stop it Luke, just enjoy it. I must be on my way but I hope you have a good day at work", I kissed his cheek and quickly walked away.
"Have a good day at school, love!", Luke had shouted over the loud construction tools.

I was only a block away from my school when I had forgotten one of the most important things I needed to do. I reached for my bag and quickly looked through it until I had reached my phone, I then shot off a text to my grandfather reminding him to have his morning medication. My grandfather is quite forgetful but he just happens to be quite skilful when it comes to technology so I definitely know that he will get my text alerting him to have his morning pills.

Soon enough I arrived at the gates to my school, I walked to my locker on campus to be greeted by my best friend Jessica.
We greeted one another with a hug, "Did you hear?" She questioned me.
"Did I hear about what", I answered her question with a question,
"They are selecting some students to go away on a trip for a month", Jess eagerly stated "We could both enter, they are picking students with great academics",
"I couldn't, Jess. I would rather not miss out on my education. Every little bit counts and I do not want to be behind" I told her.
"Oh, of course. This is why you're my best friend, you always remind me that school is more important-",
"Aw thanks Jess",
"And you also happen to remind me that life is boring". I giggled at her remark, we both grabbed our books and scurried off to class. I placed my stationary in an orderly fashion on my desk so it was completely organised.
"OCD much?", questioned a boy with short dark hair that had pieces that fell onto his face,
"Oh, I don't have OCD. I just happen to be extremely organised", I giggled to myself. The boy raised an eyebrow and I extended my hand out in front of me symbolising for him to shake it, "I'm Brooke. Brooke Walker and it's a pleasure to meet you". His eyes averted to my hand and then shot back up to my face.
"Wonderful", he rolled his eyes. I pulled my hand away from him and smiled, I then turned back to the front of the classroom only to feel balls being thrown at my head. I turned around and picked up the paper balls that had fallen onto the floor and placed them onto his desk, "I believe you dropped these pieces of paper on the floor". Soon after that the bell rang and I was collecting my books when I felt a hot breath on the back of my neck,
"I don't play games, baby. I'm the one who makes them" and with that remark the boy with the dark hair exited the room.

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