T H R E E - a puff of smoke

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I decided to skip 2nd and 3rd period, not that the teachers would care. They'd probably think I was out doing something good in the community. That's what they were supposed to think anyway. I had made them that way because I maintained a perfect reputation. I was now sitting on a doorstep just outside of the school's boundaries, very few people come here instead they hang out behind school. I held my face in my palms and sighed. I felt a body brush against me, this body was now beside me.
"Hey", this individuals greeting dragged on forever.
"Hi", I looked up and met this persons eyes, "Oh, Jaxon, how lovely to see you!", I smiled.
"You don't need to put on this happy facade",
"What facade?" I questioned,
"You know what I'm talking about". I did, I really did know what he was talking about so I sighed and nodded.
"It's just crap, you know? Everything is, you can put on a smile and everyone thinks you're okay but you know what. You're not okay, nothing's okay", I breathed out heavily.
He nodded "Why do you try to be perfect?, it results in you being boring".
I understood what he was saying but he didn't have to say it, I didn't need to hear it nor did I want to. We just sat there in silence for a while until he got a cigarette out of his bag and put it in between his lips.
"Smoking kills you" I stated, he brought the lighter to his cigarette and lit it.
"I know, why do you think I do it?", his response was deep, deep for a guy who barely talks.
He brought his attention to me "Let me ruin your innocence, baby" he blows a cloud of smoke into my face and smirks. He was playing his game, if I accepted it, I would be playing by his rules. "Let me give you a taste of sin", he blew another ring of smoke into my face. The way he spoke, it was so deep, the way his eyes pierced through my head, it was so tempting. A good girl doesn't give in to temptation, I reminded myself. Maybe I'm not a good girl though, I just try to be. There's a difference. I was going to let him break me, I simply nodded in response to his two statements. He blew another cloud of smoke into my face and smirked. He then grabbed a cigarette out of his box and placed it in my palm, "Go on, inhale it. Place it in between your parted lips, light it and inhale it". I looked at the cylinder shaped object that would burn my throat, I rolled it in between my thumb and index finger.

If I did this I could get caught, "Let's go somewhere else, there's somewhere I want to show you" I said.
"No, we play by my rules. There's no excitement without a little chase", he smiled but his eyes were looking somewhere else, I just ignored it. I placed the cigarette in between my lips and lit it with Jaxons' black lighter. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. It's odd, I'm inhaling something that could kill me only to feel more alive.
"How do you feel?", he questioned me,
"How am I supposed to feel?"
His eyes averted right past me, "Well, at this very moment you should feel very alive".
"Oi! What are you kids doing?", a gruff voice shouted. Don't look back Brooke, don't give them the opportunity to identify you. Jaxon grabbed my hand and pulled me up, we were both now running and wow, it was exciting. Adrenaline rushed throughout my body, the feeling of being chased was exciting. We were both now laughing. We were taking sharp turns and sprinting down long streets until we had reached an alleyway, we were no longer being chased. I bent down and looked up at Jaxon who was breathing fairly heavily. His eyes met mine and we then erupted with laughter. He was truly beautiful, the way he through his head back when he laughed, the way his chest rose up and down when he breathed. It was pure simplicity that was so beautiful about him. I loved how his tattoos climbed up his arm like a vine climbing up a wall. He lent up against the wall and looked at me.
"Now, how do you feel?", he questioned,
"Alive", I returned. He smiled at me, I noticed a tattoo with the word 'combattente'. I traced it with my finger only to receive a curious look from Jaxon.
"Jax, sorry I meant Jaxon-",
"Call me Jax" he smiled at me,
"Jax, what's that mean?", I pointed to the tattoo with the word combattente.
He then looked down at the floor "It says fighter in Italian",
"But what's it mean?",
"It's for my nephew, he was born premature but he pushed through and he is doing great today",
"He sounds like a fighter. What's the lil fighters name?",
"Bailey" he smiled proudly.
I continued to trace over his tattoos, "Does it hurt, the inking I mean?"
"Yes, it does but not enough to cry".
"I want one" I smiled,
"Are you sure?",
"Yes I'm sure, I was always unsure about them because you can't get them off and all but I want to live in the moment",
"There's always laser removal" he stated.
"Of course", I grabbed his hand and we were now off to the nearest tattoo parlour.

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