F I V E - just a little scribble

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It was now afternoon and I had visited the Orphanage with all the kids and I had completed my afternoon errands. Since all of that was completed I decided to scroll through all my social medias and ignore the texts Link was sending me. Eventually I got sick of the texts Link was sending me so I turned off my notifications. I then began to hear the creaking of my window, the window was pushed open and a body fell onto the floor.
"Luke!, goodness me are you okay?",
"I'm fine" he laughed. He then walked over to my bed and laid down right next to me.
"How was your day, princess?",
"Good, it was absolutely exhilarating!",
"Really, now? What was so exhilarating about it?",
"Well, I had school firstly and then I skipped 2nd and 3rd to go on this adventure with some mysterious guy I just met and-"
"You just met?",
"Well, I know him but I never really talked to him until today but anyway I smoked, skipped school, left Link tongue twisted and got a tattoo!",
"A what?",
"But you told me not to get one because it's hard to remove and it looks bad",
"I had a change in heart",
"You're the good girl, the innocent one who never does anything wrong!",
"Maybe I don't want to be just the 'good girl'",
"Show me your tat",
I held out my ring finger for him to see it, "sad teens, happy faces",
"Of course", he nodded "Sounds like you had fun today anyway".
"It was lots of fun, can we just read or something?",
"Movie" I smiled, "Which one?",
"Fast and furious 5?",

We watched the movie and then the others that followed it until it was early in the morning. Luke eventually fell asleep and I was not long to follow.


When I woke up there was no sign of Luke just a little note letting me know that he left. I decided to get up right away and start getting ready to see Link and Jax, I did my makeup and got dressed. Something was up, I could feel it in my bones, something was going to happen. It was soon time for me to meet up with Link so I walked to the park we always meet at and saw him sitting on the park bench, I look at my watch eleven minutes past twelve, on time as always. I sat down next to Link and we both just sat in a comfortable silence, he then reached for my hand and started playing with my fingers I took no notice of it.
"How'd you sleep?", he questioned. I knew what he was fishing for he wanted me to tell him that i slept terrible because we weren't okay.
"I slept perfectly, like a newborn baby", I grinned,
"Wonderful", he then slipped a ring onto my finger, "Promise me forever?",
"Don't make me promise that", I stated.
"Ok, promise me for now?",
"I don't do promises",
"What the hell has gotten into you?",
"What are you talking about?",
"You have a bloody tattoo!",
"It means something to me",
"This ring means something to me but yet you won't put it on your finger instead you go and write on it. How can a little scribble mean something to you?",
"It means something to me, okay. Something that you'd never understand", I stood up calmly.
"You don't just get to walk away!" He shouted,
"Actually, indeed I do".

I walked to my next destination. Jaxs house. I knocked on the door, when no one answered I rang the doorbell.
The door soon opened "Good afternoon Mrs Waters!" I said happily,
"Why hello Brooke. What do I owe for this great pleasure?",
"I'm just here to see your son ma'am",
"Oh really? Usually Jaxons friends are more, roughed up you could say. Not sweet, community do-gooders like you",
"That really is nice Mrs Waters but everyone does good in their life whether it be big or small",
"You're a very sweet young lady Brooke. Jaxon is upstairs, second door to the right",
"Thank you very much". I rushed up the stairs and then second door to the right, Jaxon was laying on the bed with his headphones on so he didn't notice I walked in. I was as quiet as possible until I jumped onto him and took his headphones off. He looked up at me and smiled.
"Get off of me!" He laughed,
"No" I giggled,
"Have it your way" he grinned, he then turned our positions around swiftly so he was on top. We both erupted with laughter.
"I'm going to make you feel something you haven't felt before" he said and with that he jumped out of the window which indicated me to follow him. We were now approaching a familiar area, Links area. We soon arrived at Links house,"

"What are we doing here?" I asked eagerly,
"You'll find out".

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