T W O - clueless

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His words repeated in my mind like a broken record, thoughts of what that could mean danced throughout my mind. 'I don't play games, baby. I'm the one who makes them'. Well, firstly nor do I play games because that's childish unless it is a good game of chess with individuals from the student body. I love the adrenaline I get when I remove a player from the game, it's the highlight of my day. I grabbed my books and walked out into the hallway where students were in a rush, scurrying around everywhere in a rush to get to the cafeteria. My school reminded me of the ocean, we had the big groups of kids who thought they were going to last all the way through high school they were the school of fish, we had our jocks in which were the sharks, the ones who considered themselves popular would be referred to as the sea horses because they are 'pretty and stand tall'. I would probably be referred to as a sea horse because I have to uphold a reputation.

I go back to my locker and reach for the money that sits in my purse, once that was achieved I walked into the cafeteria and waited patiently in a line.
I turned behind me to see the young man with the dark hair staring down at his phone.

"Hello, I didn't quite catch your name before" I said to him. He must've been startled because he jumped a little but then recollected him self.
"Jaxon" he replied with no emotion,
"I love it!" I clapped, "May I call you Jax?",
"Only friends are allowed to call me Jax", the corners of his mouth curved up into a smile,
"Oh, of course. I get it. I'm only an acquaintance at the moment. I'm sure we will be good friends in time to come",
"Get this through your thick head" he said abruptly, "I don't like you".
My smile faded slightly but I managed to get it back up and running. I turned around to the front of the line as the line continued to move I could feel someone shooting lasers through the back of my head with their gaze.
"Hello Glenda, how is your day going?", I questioned the lunch lady.
"Wonderful dear, we have a little special meal prepared for you so you don't have to eat this mush" she had stated,
"That's quite lovely, Glenda but I'll have to refuse that. I wouldn't want others getting jealous and I believe we should all be equal so instead do me this favour. Pass this meal on to the person behind me".
"Jax?" she questioned "You want me to give it to Jax?", How come she is allowed to call him Jax. The lunch lady for Christs sake gets to call him Jax but the nice girl with the bow in her hair has to refer to him as Jaxon.
"Of course, Jaxon. Give it to him", I smiled at her.
She simply nodded her head and scooped the mush and placed it on my plate.
"Have a fantastic day!" I shouted to Glenda as I was walking to my table.

I soon reached my table, I was greeted by all my friends.

"Hey guys", I gave them one of my most ravishing smiles.
"Hello" replied one of the jock guys called Caleb.
"Where's Link?" I questioned,
I felt two arms wrap around my waist and pull me in close to their chest. I then turned around to see that it was Link.
"I haven't seen you all morning" he smiled,
"It actually feels as if I haven't seen you in forever",
"What are you doing this afternoon?" He continued to smile.
"I'm volunteering at the Orphanage this afternoon and then I'm going to the retirement home and after that I'll get stuck into some homework",
"You never have time for me" his smile soon turned into a frown,
"I'm just so busy", I tilted my head.
"Of course, too busy for me" he sighed,
I couldn't respond to that because I was. If I did respond with the truth that would be terrible, the result wouldn't be very pretty. The outcome would be a blowup and then we would start discussing our feelings out in public and if that happened my family name could be looked upon badly so I simply kissed his cheek and scurried away.

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