2: The Letters Begin, In Louis' Perspective

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"It's my day to read the fan mail!" I bolted over to the large table in the middle of our tourbus, full of mail forwarded to us from our various flats and houses.

"It's not a competition, Lou." Liam called, staring at his phone. I knew he was texting his girlfriend, Danielle. They were probably fighting again, judging by the slightly frustrated look on his face and his snippy voice.

"WHAT? If course it is!" I gasped theatrically as Harry looked up at me from the couch he was lounging on.

"Hey, you only get to read the stuff addressed to all five of us or to yourself. I wanna read anything for me!" He protested.

"Don't whine, Harry." Yep, he and Danielle were definitely fighting.

"Now, now, do you need some carrots, Liam?"

"Louis, just read the mail."

I pulled out a thick envelope addressed to all five of us, ripped open the envelope, carefully saving the return address, and scanned the letter. I stopped, went back to the beginning, and read the whole letter, in depth.

"Hey, look, this girl has cancer. Brain cancer. And she's American!" I announced. We didn't have quite as many American fans as we did European, and had never gotten a letter from a girl with cancer.

All the boys perked up. They looked like little dogs. That was actually really funny. I laughed to myself and they looked at me strangely.

"What the heck, Lou?" Harry asked.

"Oh, don't worry, Haz. I was just comparing you to a small dog."


Niall walked over and grabbed the paper from me. He began reassign it aloud. "Dear One Direction..."

When he was finished, I grabbed a fresh sheet of paper. "Let's write a reply!"

The boys came over from their respective places and peered over my shoulders as I sat down to begin writing.

"Let's say... Um... I'm bad at this, guys! I need your help!"

"Okay, Lou let's start with, Dear Charlie..." Liam said, smirking slightly.

"Nooo, really?" I replied sarcastically.

We argued a lot about what to say, and then finally got down to business. In the end, this is what it looked like.

Dear Charlie,

Hello to you too! This is Louis writing for the rest of the boys. I had a lot of questions for you, so my personal letter is enclosed. We argued a little about what to say, so we just decided to each have our own personal sections and I have to write everything down.We've never had a fan with cancer write to us. First of all, Liam wants to say he thinks you're really brave for being so matter-of-fact (his words, not mine) about your cancer. He also wants to know what your favorite color is. Don't ask me why, I don't know. Harry wants to say hi. And that you're beautiful, so thanks for the picture you included. We were all wondering who the other girl in it was, though... Especially Niall, but he doesn't know I said that. So yeah. I'm a rebel. You know, it was really stupid to have me be the writer. They for some reason decided I would be best at it. Anyway, he also says that you are a great writer. We all say that, actually. And what's the 'Corrie Seal of Approval'? It's confusing poor little Niall. Okay, so Niall says hi, you and your friend are pretty. He also wants to know what your favorite food and song is. Zayn says vas happenin'? And be yourself. Like his tattoo. He doesn't really, but that's better than what he wanted me to write. He wanted to just say be yourself and you can make it through this, but that's too cheesy. Now we're done with the group letter! So yeah and all that jazz. Turn to the enclosed letter for me!

The Scribe, or Louis, Niall, Zayn, Harry, and Liam

My letter said,

Dear Charlie,

Hi. You turned to the enclosed letter. Good for you, you followed directions! Haha, and the band's called One Direction, get it? Okay, my questions follow:

What religion are you?

Do you like carrots?

Favorite animal?

If you could live anywhere, where would you live?

Favorite singer?

Best friend's name?

Most embarrassing moment?

First pet's name?

Favorite movie?

Favorite song?

First best friend's name?

Have you ever lost your best friend? Why?

First boyfriend's (or girlfriend's if you swing that way) name?

Country or city?

Coke or Pepsi?

Favorite thing to do?

Any questions?

With all of my heartfelt love and blah blah blah,

Mistah Louis Tomlinson

I folded up both letters, stuck them in an envelope, and by the door to be mailed.

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