3: The Letters Continue, In Charlie's Perspective

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Screeching. High pitched screeching. That was the only thing I could hear as I slowly awoke from the nap I had been trying to take. I blinked sleepily and looked beside my bed, where I could see an excited Corrie jumping up and down and squealing, "BEST DAY EVER!!"

"What the heck, Cor? I was trying to sleep! What could possibly have excited you enough to be worth waking me?" I looked at her, seriously ticked. One thing all my friends know about me is I value my sleep. A lot. What reason could Corrie have that is important enough to wake me?!

She slowly calmed down and plopped down on the bed beside me. "Firstericaskedmeoutthismorningandiwascomingtotellyouandthatwaswhenanursegavemethis!!!!!" She held out an envelope. I was amazed I could understand her. I looked at the thick white envelope in her hand, my eyes still bleary from sleep.

"I can't read anything, Cor. I'm too tiiiiired."

"Well then, I'll just have to read it for you, won't I? It says... drumroll, please..." I just looked at her, one eyebrow raised.



I was immediately wide awake. I was frozen, I couldn't say anything, I couldn't move. Was it possible? Had One Direction written to me? Had they touched the envelope I was holding in my hands?

Fingers shaking, I ripped open the envelope. I stared at the paper inside. "Oh. My. Gosh." I said, eyes wide. "I think it's actually THEM."

"Our Boys wrote to us?! Or rather, freakin' One Direction wrote to my BEST FRIEND?"

I began reading the letter aloud.

"Dear Charlie-"



I looked back at the paper.

"DEAR Charlie,

Hello to you too! This is Louis writing for the rest of the boys."


"Cor, let me read the letter!" I glared at her slightly and went back to the letter, reading it through for her and the pulling out Louis' personal letter.

"Niall wants to know who I am!"

"I still can't believe you put a picture of us in the envelope and I didn't know."

Suddenly, we heard What Makes You Beautiful blasting from her pocket. Corrie pulled out her phone.

"Yo, Ma, what's up?" Yes. She does talk to her mother like that.

"Do I really need to sit for George?" She whined. George was her ten year old brother. "I'm with Charlie, and you will never guess who she just got a letter from!

What? No, not a member of the Beetles... ONE DIRECTION!!!

No, Ma, that's the Victorious cast...

I don't even like iCarly anymore!

What?! You deleted that episode?! I told you not to touch my iCarly, ESPECIALLY the iGo One Direction episode!

I know I said I don't like it!" She held her phone away from her ear. "I'm sorry, Char, I gotta go..."

"It's okay, I'll show you my return letter later." I replied.

"UGH! I can't believe I'm missing that!" Yelling was coming from her phone. "I'm COMING, Ma!" She gave my letter one last longing look, and left to let me read in peace.

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