5 (I think)- The Letters Turn Digital, or In Charlie's Perspective

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Sorry for not updating! No excuses this time.


To: loutommo@yahoo.com

From: charlietheunicorngirl@comcast.net

Time: 6:07pm 5/7/15

Hey Louis! I decided I would just write an email to you. So yeah. What's LOUIS YOUR HOT AND AMAZING sorry, that was Corrie. What's up? And why aren't you talking to the boys or at least Harry about it? Sorry if that's too personal, I was just wondering. Also, have you read The Hunger Games?

xoxo Charlie

Dear One Direction,

Hi! So, vas happenin'? I hope you don't mind me writing to you again. Corrie decided she's also going to write on this letter. Sooo... Corrie is a screecher, so if she's writing, it's gonna be in all caps if she gets excited. Btw, it's a lot easier to text or email than exchange letters, so my email is charlietheunicorngirl@comcast.net and my phone number is 555-739-1729. If you want to. You don't have to.Uh oh, here comes Corrie...

HI!!! I can't believe I'm actually writing to One Direction! My name is Corrine Lucy Wilson, but you're special enough to call me Corrie. Can I confide in you guys? Today, my crush hooked up with his ex again. Talk about DEVASTATION! This writing a letter you guys will read thing though is really helping. We will include another picture in this letter if you want to see it, Nialler... Lol, you're so hot! I was like burning up when I first saw you. Okay, Char just told me to stop scaring you, Niall, without even looking... How creepy is that?!



I finished reading Corrie's added note to my letter and looked at her. "Cor, poor Niall's gonna be terrified of you."

"No, he won't. If he is, then I'm afraid he isn't AVERAGE!"

"MLIA!" We both screamed and high fived. If you don't know what MLIA is, look it up. Right now.

"Charlie!" I heard my aunt say loudly as she came through the door. The town the hospital I lived in, Holton, apparently had the best cancer doctors in the world. My entire family lived here until my sophomore year, and then we moved. When I was diagnosed with brain cancer Mom and Dad decided I would move here to live with Aunt Aubrey so I could have the best treatment possible. I spent my junior and now my senior year here. In the short time I had gone to school when I moved back, I had gotten a lot closer to Corrie.

Janie Claypool, my first best friend, had ditched me in freshman year. I had an enormous crush on junior year Trent Mason and it turned out she did too, only she didn't tell me until I had made a mess of myself in front of the entire school. I didn't know why I had ever trusted her. She was so unreliable, so untrustworthy... I guess I was naïve enough to jump at the first offer of friendship back when we first met in fourth grade.

With hair that used to be long and dull red and an ugly, acne-splattered face, I was nothing to look at from fourth grade to junior year, my last year at school. Now that I had lost my hair, even though the acne was gone, I was still ugly. Insecure. Horrendous. Never popular. Very shy. And so strange. It was a miracle Corrie befriended me, as she looked... normal. Lucky duck. Yes, I did just say that.

I guess it doesn't really matter though. I'm never going to see most of those kids again. Sometimes, I think dying is the best thing for me. I love singing and music, but I could never succeed in that industry because I'm ugly. All musicians are good looking. Maybe I'm being too matter of fact about it, but I'm pretty used to this helpless, I-can't-do-anything-about-it-so-why-try attitude. Seriously, though. What's the use in trying when there's a five percent chance of succeeding?

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