Will I see you again?

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Tyler's P.O.V.

When Elizabeth first walked into the room I instantly recognized her. I knew who she was. She was a star in Utah hockey and would probably be the first girl to play in the big leagues. She was an amazing athlete and I respected her as a female hockey player. When she came in the room with Zach I caught my breath in my throat. When Zach was done introducing her, her friend started to push her in my direction. She shot a glare to her friend then continued walking my way.

When she approached me I was awestruck. She was more beautiful in person. I was like her biggest fan. When I found out that me and her shared the same reason for our numbers I wanted to just hold her and tell her it was okay. I couldn't though. She didn't know that I knew almost everything about her. I lay in bed now with a small smile on my face. I drift off to sleep and dream about hockey.

Elizabeth's P.O.V.

I wake up with a jump to the sound of my alarm clock. I turn it off and go to hide back under my blankets. Georgia walks in my room with a cup of cold water and pours the whole damn thing on my head. I sit up soaking wet now to see a wide awake Georgia. "You owe me now! I will take a nice hot cup of coffee. You know how I like it." She grunts and shuffles out of my room knowing that she had to or I would give her hell in practice today.

I get out of bed and walk to my dresser. I pulled out my grey sweat pants and a long black women style muscle shirt. I slip them on along with a thick pair of socks. Now I wouldn't have to change at the rink. I would just have to tie on my skates. Georgia walks in now with my cup of coffee in a to go cup. I hurry and comb my hair. Pulling it up into a messy bun then I grabb my skates and coffee and me and Georgia walk out the door to my car.

We get to the rink just as i finish my coffee. I put on my skates and head out to the ice. "Hey Elizabeth!" I was greeted by coach. "How did you get along with the team last night?" I smiled and answered, "It was awesome coach! Thank you so much. I finally got to meet my idol!" This put a smile on coaches face, "Glad to hear it. Well we are working on skating drills today so be prepared. Go grab a water bottle while we wait for every one else." I nod my head then head over to the fridge on the bench. I pull it open and grab a water bottle. I twist the lid off then take a sip, letting the ice cold water run down the back of my throat. It felt so good.

*couple of hours later*

Practice was finally over and I was in the private shower area for me and Georgia. It felt great to be right under the big leagues. I could actually make my dream. I finish up and head out into the main area. The guys didn't have shirts on but I didn't mind. We were pretty close. I was thinking about my game on Saturday and how I wanted an extra practice to make sure I did good.

I run into coach not knowing it until I fell to the ground, "Oh my gosh! I'm sorry coach I was concentrated on the game on Saturday." I began to feel my face turn red as I felt all the eyes in the room on me. "It's fine. But can I talk to you in my office?" He asked and I heard a hint of something in his voice but couldn't place it. I followed him into his office and he shut his door.

"I was kind of hoping you were done early. I got really great news for you." He was a little excited and I looked at him confused then I told him to go on. "The Utah Fire just called. Their coach wants you to go practice with them tomorrow! Now you better behave but show those boys what you got. Don't be afraid to show a little sass if they start to pick on you." My eyes almost bulged out of my head for how wide I was opening them and my mouth was hanging open. I bolted out of my seat and was jumping around in glee. My dream was coming true. Possibly. Maybe he wanted to see what I got. Maybe I could finally get a spot on their team.

I walked out of his office and all eyes were on me. I looked back at coach with a face that just asked if I could tell every one. He nodded his head yes. I tried to compose myself as I said, "Guys, I have an amazing opportunity that has come up. First thing tomorrow morning I will be going to practice with the Utah Fire!" All of the guys jumped up and began to cheer. Some of them came and picked me up in a huge hug that lifted me off of my feet. Then Georgia walked out of our personal showers and asked what was going on. "I am going to practice with the Utah Fire first thing in the morning!" Her mouth dropped to the floor then she asked, "Are you for FREAKING real? Like your not messing with me?" I shook my head, "Nope, coach just got off the phone with them." With that me and her went out for a celebratory dinner. On her. Then we headed home. I went to bed early so I could be ready on time.


Okay guys! What do you think? Her dream may finally becoming true! It has always been my dream to be the first women to play in the big leagues! Knowing it would never happen... Comment and vote! Thankyou.

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