Off days and future talks

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Hey guys! I got some free time at school and decided to spend it on the story! See how much I love you guys? I could be playing games right now.. Nah I love my story too much! Please vote and comment.. That would be greatly appreciated and if you want me to read your story then tell me what it is called and I will read it!


Elizabeths P.O.V.

I sit here on the couch in the man cave.. Me and Georgia practically took it over. I sit next to Tyler and look at the wall size flat screen t.v. It is an off day and I want to relax a little. When nothing good is on I turn it off and look at Tyler. "We should go for a swim!" I decide. Kaners pool is in a big building thing and during the summer you can open the sky room and feel the sun. He nods and we go change. When we get outside to walk to the pool, it's freezing. I run and open the door and when I walk in I fell the steam coming at me. Someone must be in the hot tub. I walk all the way in and welcome the heat. I feel my toes now and dip it in the pool water to feel how warm it is. It feels about eighty degrees. Tyler walks up and stands next to me looking down at the pool. He turns to walk to a chair when I don't feel my feet touching the ground. I look who's arms I'm in and it's Tyler's. "You put me down! And not in the pool. I won't kiss you if you do it!" He smirks and I feel myself flying in the air and to the pool. I hold my breath as I hit the water and make a splash that hit him. I get up for air and look at him. Not one drop on him. He must of moved out of the way. I get out and walk over to him. I pout and kiss him. He has his hands lightly resting on my hips. I grab them and make it look like I'm pulling him to a chair. I pull his hands off of me and pull away. I smile and push his chest so he falls into the pool. He gets up and his nice brown hair is slicked back and soaking wet. I smirk and jump in. He grabs me and pulls me to his chest. I laugh and look up at him. "I thought you weren't going to kiss me!" I smile and say, "I needed to distract you so I could get my payback!" We both laugh and then we are covered in water from a huge splash. Five more big splashes follow. When we can see again I notice that Kaner, Tazer, Georgia, Sharpie, and Andrew have all joined us in the pool. I dunk Tyler and swim off. Me and Georgia beg the guys to play mermaid, after a while when they knew we wouldn't give up they finally gave in. So here we are with the guys swimming around like our legs are stuck together. I get bored after the first thirty seconds and get out. I climb into the hot tub and relax.

After we all swam then hung out in the hot tub we decided to go out to eat... At McDonalds. Sure we are all big stars now and every person who are fans come up and ask us for our autograph but we love our fast food. I love their French fries. Were all in a debate over Justin Bieber. "If I could, I would take him back to Canada all by myself! Or better yet, I will take him to a jungle where no one goes and dump him there. He can make friends with monkeys. Which would work out totally well!" Tazer hates him. I could agree. "What if he got shot? Then you wouldn't have to dump him in the jungle. Or when you go back to Canada, you don't have to deal with him!" Andrew this time. We all laugh and are interpreted with a fan. "Um, Elizabeth, Georgia, can I have your autograph?" She is clearly nervous so I ease it. "Of course you can! How bout a picture too?" I ask. I pull out my phone and see shock on her face. This is still weird to me but I love my fans. Me and Georgia get out of the booth and sign her shirt. We all pull in for a selfie taken on my phone. She gets one on hers. Before she leaves she says, "I'd like to thank you two. All the guys at my school hockey team thought a girl doesn't belong in this sport. I tried out a couple of times but didn't make it past the first round. After they saw you play they saw hope and believed that girls could do it. The coach new I had skills but he wouldn't add me. I'm on the varsity team now and I have you guys to thank. Your our idols at our school!" Smile and say, "What school do you go to?" She smiles and says, "Eagle high." I give her a hug then she leaves. That means so much to me. Georgia gave her her email just in case she had questions on a certain thing.

I walk into the locker room. It smells like sweat and food. The two main things we always have around here. I walk around the big Indian head in the middle of the room. No one is aloud to step on it. I saw a picture of Justin Bieber standing on it and if I were there I would yank him off by his throat and throw him out of the building. I can't like anyone who gets drunk and drives and does stupid stuff like him and gets attention for it. You would think people would stop so that he would learn his lesson. It's like a kid who does something and you laugh so they do it over and over again. I walk into my locker room and put look at my gear. All washed up! We have a team event tonight that involves fans and stuff so we have to wear our jerseys. I have on pants that one leg is black and the other is red. I have on one red ankle boot, that is on the side of the black, and a black on one the red side. I got both pairs at the same time and they were the same but different colors so I thought I would do this all cool. I throw on my red jersey and walk back out. Then I notice all of the guys in the locker room. Georgia notices a me and her mouth drops, "Wh- Where D-Did you..?" I laugh and say, "I just got the pants at hot topic yesterday when we went to the mall. I thought it would be cool to where it like this and apparently it is by the look on all of your guys faces!" Tyler walks up and wraps his arms around my waist. He whispers in my ear, "You look damn sexy! I love you so much!" I laugh and kiss his cheek. We head off towards the restaurant this thing is at. When we walk in, it's decked out with hawks stuff. It's everywhere! There is a long table and we all walk to it and take a seat. Fans are lined up and set what they want signed, on the table. I sit near the middle so it takes a minute for the first person to get to me. When she does I look at her. She is so little and cute. "Hey cutie!" Her eyes are so bright and happy. She blushes at my comment and stutters a little. "W-will you s-sign my jersey?" I smile and say, "Of course! Is that all or do you want a picture?" She smiles and looks at her dad, "Daddy can we get a picture!" She has hope in her eyes and he looks at me and I nod my head, "Sure, honey! Why not?" I smile and sign her jersey. I walk around the table and pick her up. Her dad pulls out his iPhone and snaps a pic. "Can I see it?" I ask. He seems shocked but says, "Sure!" He turns the phone so I can see the screen. "Aww! Do you guys come to games often?" She gets a smile that's almost as big as her face as she nods her head yes, "We don't miss a game!" He father says, "Where do you guys sit?" He smile and says, "Front row, section 116!" I smile and nod. They have to move on now because there are more people waiting. I sit back down and enjoy the rest of the time. Me Georgia and Tyler have a lot of fans. As the time goes on, there is more pictures, autographs, and talking. I still can't quit thinking of that little girl And how happy she will be when I recognize her! She was so cute and I can't wait to have a little kid of my own. I hope they follow in my footsteps. I look down at my promise ring and Tyler notices, "What are you thinking about?" Were back on the bus now so we can talk about this. "How I can't wait to have my own kids. Of course I would have to take a season off from hockey if I ever get pregnant but coach should understand. What do you think of that?" He smiles and says, "As long as they are my kids, I'm okay with the idea. I hope that when we get there we have a boy, so that way when we have a girl her brother will be there to beat the boys up when were not around. But I know that if we have a girl she will take after you and will be strong! She'll be able to handle the boys herself but I'd be at a peace of mind knowing there was someone there just in case." I giggle and he kisses me, "I love you Elizabeth. And no matter what I hope you know that will never change." I smile and we kiss some more. I realize that next week is our one month anniversary. I can't wait to see what Tyler wants to do. As long as there are no gifts from him I will be fine.


Hey guys! How cute was that? Anyways I know this was short but every once in a while there needs to be a filler! I promise as time goes on the relationship will get stronger and more eventful things will happen! I am keeping it on the positive because I hate sad relationships. They make me want to cry and I feel bad so there will be none of that! I promise! And maybe some of the other guys will get girls too! Captain serious could really use a girl to lighten himself up a bit and Kaner needs someone to spend his money on.. Let's see what happens as time goes on!

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