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Elizabeth's P.O.V.

I got up two hours before practice with the Fire. I still can't believe I am actually going to be practicing with my most favorite team ever! They are amazing. I hop in the shower and wash my hair. I let the nice hot water run down my body before I step out. I dry myself off then wrap the towel around my body. I use a smaller towel for my hair. I walk into my room and pick out the stuff I want to wear over my gear. I pick out their team colors. Grey sweat pants, a dark forest green long sleeve shirt, a black jacket to put over that. I put it in my bag then put on black leggings, I slip on dark green sneakers and slip into a dark green shirt that looks cute with my leggings. I pull my hair up into a messy bun then head into the kitchen, bag in tow. I still have forty five minutes until I have to leave so decide to make scrambled eggs and sausage. Then I eat a piece of toast. Georgia walks in as I take my last bite.

I watch some t.v. to wait and let my stomach settle. Part of the reason why I got up so early. I look at the time on my phone then stand up and grab my gear. "Bye Georgia! I'll see you later!" I walked to the door grabbing my keys off the hook by it. "Good luck with Tyler.. I mean practice." I can see the smirk on her face now. I roll my eyes and decide to get her back for it later. I am off to the biggest thing of my life.

Tyler's P.O.V.

I walk in the locker room and start to get ready for practice. Coach told us yesterday that we had a very special guest coming to join in with us today. No matter how hard me and the boys tried to get it out of coach he just wouldn't budge and tell us who instead he would say, "You will find out tomorrow at practice now go home and get to bed!" We showered really fast then headed home. We were exhausted. I snap back to reality and finish tying my skates. I grab my stick on the way out to the ice. I can't wait to see who it is. But I have this feeling in my gut, I just can't identify it.

Elizabeth's P.O.V.

I walk into the back door of the stadium as ordered and look at my phone. Just on time! As I slip it back into my pocket I look up to see the coach walking towards me, "Hey Elizabeth! I am so glad you could make it today! Here I will lead you to the visiting locker room." I followed him into the visiting locker room and put my bag down. "Thank you so much for this opportunity! I promise I will make the boys eat my ice!" He chuckles then says, "Eh, it's good for them to be challenged. So you change then I will send you a text to signal you when to come. Just go out that door and you will be in the bench. I am gonna enjoy the expressions on the guys faces. I didn't tell them it was you coming. I just told them that a very special guest was coming. Thanks again for coming. See you in a bit." With that he walks out the door and I start to change. I put on all my pads then put on my chosen clothes for practice. I sat there with a water bottle in my hand when my phone vibrated on the bench. Time to go out.

I crack the door open a bit to take a peek out. I saw that Coach had the entire team on one knee facing the other way. I walked out more and closed the door very quietly behind me. I walked down the hall and out to the bench. I didn't feel like opening it so I climbed over. Coach looked up really fast but with out giving himself away. I held my finger up to my lip then Announced my presence, "Well, we should have some fun today eh boys?" I looked at all of them as over twenty pairs of eyes look at me. I smiled as they went from shock to confused. "Guys, you remember Elizabeth! She will be practicing with us today!" He said cheerfully then I decided to make this even more fun and said, "And I have a feeling that I am going to show most of you up." Coach chuckled then Howard the captain spoke up, "That sounds like a challenge to me!" I was enjoying this more and more, then some one else spoke up, "Hey guys, how about we make a deal." I looked over to see it was coach. I looked at him and he smiled at me then said, "If you guys can beat her, then she will have to be your servants for a week." The team liked the idea then Tyler spoke up and said, "But if we loose?" And coaches smile got ten times bigger than his whole head combined. "You have to attend her game tomorrow. And you have to all make posters to support her in a nice way." They all smiled then captain Howard skated up to me and shook my hand, "Your on!"

Coach spoke up to tell us what was going down first. "I am going to split you up into groups. Each group will do the basic skating drill, back and forth from blue line to blue line. Who ever stays in it the longest moves to the next round. Until we come down to our winner. If it is a boy from our team then they get a point!" He gestures to the white board with boys then my name on it with lines under them. "If Elizabeth wins then she gets the point. Let's do this." He gave us each a number. I was in group 3 of 3 "Group one your up!" He shouted as group one piled off the bench and onto the ice. Heading towards the blue line. This was one of my strengths. I knew I would win.

Tyler's P.O.V.

I was in group three against Elizabeth. In group one the last person lasted five minutes. I smiled looking at Andrew, he was the one that won in group one. In group two the next person lasted about eight minutes. Then it came to us. Group three. I skated up to the blue line and stood right next to Elizabeth, "You sure your ready for this Sweetheart? Your going down!" She chuckled then said, "Silly silly boy. Stop flattering yourself. Your sounding like a bigger girl than me!" I laughed then got ready. Coach blowed his whistle and off we were. Elizabeth was good. I now knew I had a competition I had to win for the boys. There were five of us in group five and the first two dropped out three minutes in. I kept pushing myself. I had to win.

It came down to me and Elizabeth. We lasted ten minutes longer than anyone else has already. I hurry and take a glance at her. She wasn't even sweating! I don't know how she does it. I push myself more but I feel like my lungs are going to collapse in. I couldn't help it! Someone else is going to have to beat her for me. I skated to the bench and the whistle was blown. Elizabeth skated up next to me and grabbed her water bottle. "Nice job! Not bad for a Man girl!" I smiled then took a seat in the bench. I was exhausted!

Elizabeth's P.O.V.

Looking at Tyler I figured he could have lasted longer. Apparently not. I went up against two other guys that dropped out ten minutes in. One for Elizabeth! " Hope you guys enjoy my game!" I said adding a smirk for more affect. "Oh this is not over yet. What's next coach?" Another player asked. He smiled then said "Shoot out. I have some judges here and they will be scoring you. They will be judging on stick handling, if you make the goal, and how cool it looks. Get creative! You guys understand?" They nodded all their heads then coach said, "Good!" I was a little nervous because I didn't know that many tricks. But then it came to me. I was gonna do this Kaner style. Dirty. I look at coach and said. "Hey coach I gotta go get something out of my bag. I'll be back?" He nodded his head and I headed into the locker room where my bag was. This was going to be great!

I get in there and look in my huge back. Spotting the pull string bag I open it and see everything is in there. Perfect. I plaster a huge smile on my face and head out. We were still doing it by groups. We wouldn't know who was moving on in groups til the end. When it came to my turn I smiled and skated to the middle of the ice with bag in hand. I opened it up and took the cape out. Looks just like the one Kaner wore. I tied it on then took off my helmet. Sliding it towards the bench. I took out the nerd glasses and put them on. Oh I was ready. I looked at the boys and winked. Some of them looked at me in awe and some of them thought it was genius and funny. I take my spot in front of the puck and grabbed hold of it. Starting to skate fast while still puck handling pretty well. I come up behind the goal and head around. Not before I hit the puck up into the air so it was going over the net on the other side. I hit it baseball style into the goal. I laughed and rode my stick like a witch does her broom. I saw the guys out with their phones and I smiled and waved at them. Causing more laughter to erupt.

I got back to the bench and took the stuff off and put it back into my bag. I grabbed my helmet and strapped it back on. We waited for the judges then they came out of the penalty box. "In group one we decided the goalie was best. In group two we decided Howard was best. Then in group three....." She let out a chuckle then said it. "Elizabeth won! It was funny and very creative!" She began to clap and asked, "Why did you have that stuff with you anyways?" I shrugged then laughed and said, " I am going to be that for Halloween and since I have a practice that night I just put it in my bag and forgot about it until now!" She chuckled and coach put another score by my name. We all knew I won.

"So coach. What's next?" I asked with determination in my voice.


Hey guys! I hoped you enjoyed it. It was pretty funny. I guess we will find out in the next chapter if the guys pulled through or not! How did u like the Kaner idea? Pretty creative or what? Please vote, follow, comment if you have any ideas.. Tell me what your thinking about it!

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