[ thruth ]

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After Jim and the others left, me and Jerome got back into his trailer. He both sat on his couch. "Jerome... I'm so sor-" I was cut of by him pushing his lips against mine. I felt back and he laid on me. He kissed me even more. "Do you trust me?" He asked so serious like I never saw him before. "Yes, of course" I answered. "Do you trust me and would hide a secret for me?" I nodded "Yes I would do anything" I said serious too. "Even if it's dangerous and you maybe will hate me after that?" He asked still sitting on me. "I could never hate you" I said flirty. "Rachel... It's serious." He stood up and walked to the trailer door. "What is it Jerome?" I asked worried because I felt that it oppressed him. "I don't know how to say... Ok... I... I killed my mother." He said very nervous. "Jerome... I..." I said confused. He sat next to me and said "Please don't... Don't leave me... I... I did it for you" I looked at him. "I... I won't leave you... Never" I pushed my lips against his and he hugged me. "Rachel, I love you so much." He said still nervous. "I...I love you too" My voice sounded a little bit scared. "Please don't be scared of me. I could never hurt you" he said as he heard that I was scared. "I... I better go now" I said and stood up. "Please don't go" I heard his sad voice. I walked to the door and got out and I walked the stairs down. I walked back to the tent and saw my mother standing there waiting for me. "There you are. Can we go?" she asked and I nodded. We walked to the car as I turned around once more. A tear felt down my cheek. We drove home and I walked into my room. I never thought he could do something like this. I laid into my bed as I felt asleep.

"Rachel, where are you?" He walked through the library with a knife in his hand. I hid behind a bookshelf. I heard his footsteps coming closer to me. I ran away and tears fell down my face. I ran to the corner of the room and sat down. I knew I'm gonna die now. He walked to me. He took my arm and helped me standing up. He pushed me against the wall. "Don't you trust me?" He asked very angry. He placed the knife against my neck and cut it a little bit. It hurt so bad I screamed. "You know I would never hurt you!" He said even more angry. He kissed my cheek and then cut my neck even more. I never thought Jerome could kill me. At this moment my view went black.

I woke up screaming. My entire body was wet. I felt super uncomfortable when I thought about him. I was scared at the thought of him. I don't want to see him. He killed his mother. He's a psychopath. But... But I still liked him. I didn't know what to do but I decided to talk to him again. I felt bad for just leaving him. I stood up and took a cold shower. I dressed myself up and I walked down the stairs to go to the circus. As I arrived I walked to Jerome's trailer and knocked. No answer. I knocked again and still no answer. I looked through the window and saw that no one was there. I was worried and walked to the tent. I saw a men in a clown costum standing there I walked to him and tipped his shoulder. He tourned around and asked "What?" "Where's Jerome" I asked still worried. "Some cops took him with them to the GCPD I think." I thanked him and begun to ran. I ran so fast like I never ran before. I begun to cry. As I arrived the GCPD I saw a Arkham Asylum car in front of the station. I stared at it as I begun walking to the car. But then I saw how they pulled Jerome outside the building. He had an evil face and laughed maniacally. And that scared me a lot. But as he saw me he stopped laughing and begun to scream my name over the entire place. "Rachel! Rachel!" I ran to him and saw that tears ran down his face. The officers pulled me back that I didn't came to him. "I love you Rachel!" he screamed as they pulled him in the car. I started crying even more. But I stopped at the thought that he's going to Arkham. He's a psychopath.

-Jerome POV-

They pulled me out of the room and I begun to laugh maniacally. I felt free. At the first time in my life I could be like I really was. They continued pulling me out of the station as I saw Rachel standing there tears falling down her cheek. I stopped laughing and screamed her name as she begun to ran to me. But the officers stopped her. "I love you Rachel!" I screamed to her as they pulled me into the car. When I was in, the driver started driving immediately. While we drove to Arkham I was thinking about how I could get Rachel back. I thought about breaking out and I had to find a way out. As we arrived they pulled me out of the car and in the building. As we got in they did some paper stuff and walked with me to a changing room where I had to change into the Arkham stuff. I took a pocket knife that I had in my pants into my shoes and got out. The guard pulled me into a dining room where all inmates sat in. Everyone looked at me and I felt great. I love attention but I never got some. I looked around and saw some really ugly people sitting there. But then I saw a blonde lady sitting alone on a table and reading a magazine. I walked to the table and jumped on the chair, I smiled and said "Hi Gorgeous, I'm Jerome." She looked and me and said annoyed "Keep moving ginger" I smiled even more and said "Just being polite. So what ya in for?" She continued reading and said "Killing my parents." I looked surprised and held my hand on my chest "Oh me too. Well my mom anyhow" I took my hands on my face and pulled them away while I said "What a rush!" She looked at me annoyed and I said "Yeah alright." The guards screamed "Time's up. We bring you all back to your cells" Everyone walked out the dining room all stood in a line and I walked there too. I stood there for a moment until we all begun to walk. We stopped everytime when a inmates go to they cells. We stopped again at a cell with the number 'C-198' this was my number. A guard opened the cell door and led me in. As I stood in the cell the guard closed the door behind me and the inmates continued walking. When everyone was away I was alone. I heard some inmates scream but I didn't care. I still stood there as I walked to the bed where I laid down. I looked at the ceiling and felt asleep.

Heeey:) I hope you liked that chapter of the story. Jerome is in Arkham but not long;) I decided to do a second story and it will be about Jerome too. So be curios!:)

Word count: 1292

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