Scaring lucy and shopping with the gang part 3

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Hi guys so this is just a continuation of the other chapter just now we're doing
-Gray and Juvia
-Ezra and Jellal

Oh btw the photo was the only one I thought was nice that had both of the couples.

Juvia POV

Juvia is so happy she got partnered with Gray-sama. She gets to be with her Gray-sama without her love rival.

"Juvia wants to know where gray-same wants to go?" "I don't know, the fountain I guess"

'Juvia wonders why gray-sama wants to go there, oh well if that's where he wants to go then juvia shall go' juvia thought to herself.

"Ok Gray-sama if that where u want to go then juvia shall follow" juvia said as she hugged his arm.

As Gray-sama and Juvia walked through the mall Juvia notices that Gray-sama seemed a little off.

Grays POV

'Ah why was I partnered way juvia, don't get me wrong I don't hate juvia it's just that she always says she loves me and I don't really know how I feel about but it's just if I lost her I don't know what I would do with myself. For me I have had the best childhood, I lose everyone that's dear to me and I don't want juvia to be one of them.'

"-ay-sama, gray-sama are you ok?" I suddenly heard someone saying something. "GRAY-SAMA! ARE YOU OKAY?"  It was juvia, why is she asking if I'm ok. Suddenly I felt someone/something shaking my shoulders.

"Uh I'm okay, get off me!" I shouted maybe a little to loud and maybe a little to aggressive. I saw juvia jump and look scared.

"Look juvia I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Juvia just sat there slightly shaking, so I did the only thing I thought I should do which was

Hug her.

"I'm sorry I scared you, just please don't be scared of me, I don't think I could take it if you were scared of me and wouldn't talk to me."

Juvia's POV

"I'm sorry I scared you, just please don't be scared of me, I don't think I could take it if you were scared of me and wouldn't talk to me," gray-sama said HUGGING me.

"You have nothing to worry about Gray-sama, Juvia will never leave you, Juvia loves Gray-Sama. Even though Juvia knows Gray-Sama doesn't feel th-" Juvia was cut of by a pair of warm lips against juvia's, Juvia soon realised it was Gray-sama's and Juvia started to kiss back.

Gray-sama pulled away after a few minutes, "juvia's s-sorry" "n-no its was me I s-shouldn't have done it without asking." "N-no gray-sama its f-fine."

We stood there a few minutes before Gray-sama said, "we should probably go, we need to meet to others at the restaurant." Juvia just nodded and started walking along side gray-sama.

(Gotta be honest, the amount of times I had to write juvia or gray-sama is unbelievable😂)


Erza's POV

'Ok now that I'm alone way jellal I don't know if it was the best idea, as we won't talk'

"So where do u want to go?" Ask jellal making me jump as I was thinking.

"Cake shop!" After saying that I grabbed his hand 'I don't know why? Why did I grab his hand?.....................................................Oh well who cares?' I just dragged jellal along behind me until we reached my favourite cake shop in this mall.

"Were here!" I exclaimed hearts in my eyes. Feeling a tug on my hand I realised I was still holding his hand. "S-s-sorry, u-um lets a-ah go inside."

Once we walked in I was still red but then I heard pops and I felt something fell in my hair. A woman around her 60s (A/N I asked my sister for a random age and she got confused😂🙄) came up to us and said "congratulations you are our 100th customer, you get to have two free cakes and a drink of whatever you please" after hearing this my eyes went back to having hearts in them.

"But we do want to take a few photos of you and your boyfriend if you don't mind". I didn't really listen to what she said and just agreed to it, I regret not listening as she has made us share a milkshake, make Jellal feed me cake (which was delicious btw) and now she's making us feed each other. After that we lefted the place both as red as a tomato.

Not saying a word we both just started walking to where we were supposed to meet everyone else.

(A/N sorry I couldn't think of a good one of them)

Hi guys soz I didn't update I have my GCSE exams and course work days as well.

Bye guys love yah

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