A second hell

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Lucy's POV

I woke up the next morning feeling in pain and sore. My pillow was soaked with my tears from the night before. Once I got up my alarm went off, 'well that not usually for me ahah' I thought before I turned it off.

I got up before wincing in pain and grabbing my side. Once I finally got out of my bed I limped to grab my clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower. After I got out I dried my self and got my clothes on before brushing my hair. 'I might just leave my hair down to dry on it's own' I thought to myself after finish brushing my hair and leaving it down. I grab my bag but winced slightly when I put my bag on my shoulder and landed on a cut on my shoulder.

After the pain went away I walked down the chairs slowly and as quite as I could. Once I got down the chairs I grabbed a quick slice of bread before walking out the door and walking the same route I always do to school.

Once I got to school I didn't see any of my friends so I walked on in to the school doors and started to make my way to the library. While turning on corner I felt my hair get pulled. It was hard enough to make me fall back. I dropped my bag and whatever book I held on my arms.

"Well well look what we have girls" a girl said or should I say b**ch as I no who that voice belongs to


"Awww look she doesn't have her wee gang to protect her this time" she said and the girls with her laughed. "Your going to get what you deserve you ugly looking freak mute" (A/N I'm horrible at this 😅) she spat while grabbing my hair and started pulling me somewhere. Once she got to where she wanted to be she dropped my hair and I noticed we were in the bathrooms.

"Hold her a sec......I'm Ima show her a lesson that she deserves" once she finished her sentence the wee 'gang' of girls went over to me and two of them held one of each of my arms se I couldn't move I did my best not to flinch at the touch as they are grabbing my arms that are still in pain from the night before. I was still sitting on the ground when flare walked up to me grabbed my hair and pull me forward slightly to look at her face.

"I'm going to teach you a real good lesson" she said before kicking me in the gut. I coughed tasting blood in my throat, before I could do anything else the two girls holding my arms let go, leaving me to fall to the ground.

Next thing I knew flare had once again grabbed my hair but this time she pulled me up a then pushed me into on of the bathroom mirrors making it shattered some pieces and cut part of my body. I laid curled up in a ball once hitting the ground.

"Next time you think you can get away with anything just cause you have a 'gang' now, well think again because your not getting away from us. Next it'll be much worst. You understand?!!" I didn't answer instead I slightly nodded. "Good and don't tell your little 'friends' either just tell them you felt dizzy and hit right into the mirror you understand?!" Once again I just slightly nodded. "Good well well be going now. Have a good day luuuceeee" after that her and her 'gang' left.

I couldn't move so I just stayed were I was. I don't how long I stayed there but all I knew was the last thing I remembered was someone walking in and shouting "oh my god lu-chan." I saw her and quietly said "levy-ch-han". After that I blacked out.


Hey guys just incase any of you are confused flare doesn't like Lucy as she's friends way Natsu. The first time when flare bullied her Natsu stuck up for LUCY and not flare so flare was annoyed and wanted pay back.

Also yeho two chapters in one week that's a new thing😂😂 don't think that'll happen much when I have to go back to school. Dreading going back😅😬😫.

Well that's all bye guys love ya ❤️

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