A solid chest

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In all of the commotion back at the house, I had forgotten about the pain in my stomach. In the third row of the van, I winced whenever Mama drove over a pothole or a speed bump. As she halted to a stop, I hit the back of Lionel's seat and groaned loudly.

He turned in his seat to look at me with concerned eyes.

"You good, K?"

"Yeah i'm....fine"

Lionel reached across the space between his seat and Trey's and shook his shoulder.

He turned to him with an annoyed expression. I could see that his face was probably still hurting from Tailor's hit, it was turning a light shade of red. And he kept scrunching his face the way he does when he is annoyed or stressed.

Lionel nods my way and I look down.

"What's wrong?" He asked me.

I unzipped the hoodie that I had on to show my t-shirt. I slightly lifted the bottom on the side to reveal a nasty looking scar. There was a dark color forming at the edges while the rest was a red mixed with my caramel skin.

"Whoa" Trey said

Lionel sat in his seat and hunched over his bag then sat up with a band aid in his hand.

He sat up, then reached over to place the band aid on my skin, then sat back down still turned around with a huge grin that made his dimples show. They were identical to mine.

"Thanks?" I said without hiding my smile from him.

He always knew how to make me smile.

Mama had arrived at the school later than we were suppose to be dropped off, but we all climbed out of the van after taking the time to have our share of Mama's hugs and kisses.

I followed Lionel with my bag held in my hand while the other gently held the side of my stomach with the bruise.

The four of us were all going to the same part of the school, so we never had to walk far to meet up.

Lionel and I are twins, him being only  a few minutes older than me, and we have most of our classes together. He follows me to my locker after Trey and Tailor make a turn down the junior hallway before me and Lionel's.

I do my combination and take out the books I need for English, the class that I'm the best at, with Lionel.

"You don't need your stuff?" I asked closing my locker and returning the lock to where it goes.

He pats his backpack.

"Nope, got everything in here."

I just nodded.

I've always been the quiet one. The one in the house who left words as they were. When Derian yelled at me, I'd just stare at him or nod or shake my head. It has never been something that I'm proud of, it just is what it is, and I have nothing to say about it to anybody. Except Lionel of course. He's like my other hallf.

Literally, I guess

When we make it to the classroom, the door is closed and when I try to tug it open, or doesn't budge. My brother lets out a sigh and knocks on the door. When the gray haired teacher opens the door, she has the disapproving look on her face. Lionel ignores it and passes her while I give my best apologetic look. When I walk in, all eyes are on me.

Great. Just what I need, to be the center of attention as soon as I enter the school. Fantastic!

Trying to ignore the stares and my clammy hands, I sit in my usual desk by the window, beside Carla.

Now, I don't hate anybody, but I could tell you a million and 1 times that I strongly dislike Carla. I mean come on! The girl is constantly rubbing the number of guys she's been with in my face, always talking about the guy at the party last night or the boy she ran into at the grocery store.

Nobody cares.

By the end of class the only thing in my notebook is a bunch of doodles and a couple of my own drawings.

When the bell rings, I gather my things and head to the door forgetting about Lionel. When I make it outside of the class, I walk into a guy much taller than me with a rock hard chest, and feel myself fall.

I'm Only Yours [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now