Chapter 3

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Jenna's POV

Dear Journal,

The scariest thing just happened…

I was in the shower and I heard weird noises coming from my house. When I got out I saw my attic stairs were down. I tried climbing up them, but something grabbed my foot and threw my down the hall.

I have no idea what happened really. But I felt something… Like a force, just grab my ankles, and… throw me.

Then I saw him again. Eddie. Man he’s gorgeous! I can’t stop thinking about him

He told me he’s protecting me from evil in my house. I didn’t really understand what he was talking about at first, because I never really believed in all that demon stuff. I don’t even know what he meant by ‘evil’. But after what’s happened today, I defiantly believe him when he says evil.

I hate it when I’m talking to him, and he fades away during our conversation. I think it’s rude.

You know what else I find strange? I’ve been living here for almost a year, and I’ve never seen Eddie until now. And I’ve never felt evil around me, or felt a presence around me before. I never really knew what it felt like to have a presence near you, but now I know.

Hopefully when I see Eddie again, he doesn’t disappear in thin air again. That annoys me.

Love Jenna xx

I was closed my journal, and put it back on my shelf. I picked up my Dying is your latest fashion album by Escape the fate and put it in my stereo. I started listening to ‘situations’ as I lied back down on my bed and fell asleep.

. . .

I woke up in the morning like usual, and noticed it was shining sunshine. Oh great!

I got ready and walked into the kitchen to make myself some cereal. I got out the milk and milo cereal and put it on the bench. I looked back at the pantry and then looked back at the bench. I jumped in shock! The milo cereal and milk was in the bowl..? But how? I didn’t even get the bowl yet.

"Ok what the fuck?" I muttered to myself, "I didn’t even do that"

"I did" I heard Eddie’s voice whisper in my ear. I started to breath unevenly feeling a bit scared.

"Err" I said cautiously.

"Enjoy" he said. I looked behind me and nothing was there. I looked back in front of me and there was Eddie.

"Whoa!" I jumped back, and took in a couple of steady breathes, "you’ve got to stop doing that"

"I’m sorry" he said, "I take it you’re not used to this whole…ghost thing, hey?"

I nodded, "No. Well, I’ve seen a ghost before, but never actually…" I paused, "talked to it"

He smiled, "Okay. Just so you know, you’re the only person in this house that can see me" he explained

"I am?" I questioned him.

"I’d know if your parents could see me. They can’t" he said

"Okay. Hey I’ve got a question" I asked him walking up next to him and eating my cereal.

"Yes?" he said

"Why is it, every time I talk to you, you always fade away during our conversations? Or is it just my mind playing tricks on me?" I asked him

He giggled, "No it’s not your mind playing tricks on you, it’s just me" he paused with a short silence, "I’m just not used to showing myself. I’m not usually this open"

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