Chapter 5

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Jenna's POV

"Now if you divide x squared, by x, what do you get?" my boring maths teacher asked my annoying class. Maths is so boring. I just wanted to go home and talk to Eddie. I can’t stop thinking about him. He’s the only thing that gets me through the day cause I know when I get home, I have something to look forward too; which is talk to Eddie.

"x" Katelyn, the nerd of the class answered, "because x squared is just x multiplied by itself"

"Good work Katelyn" the teacher said. Uh I swear she’s the teachers pet. Man I hate school. Especially the people in it. I just couldn’t wait to leave and graduate. Eddie and I were talking last night. He said I’d make a good writer, or physiologist. I laughed when he told me I should become a physiologist. I have so many things wrong with me, and so many problems with myself I haven’t bothered to dealt with, so I don’t think I’d make a good physiologist. I never really thought of what I want to do with my life. I was usually do what life throws at me.

"Ouch!" I said, as a scrunched up piece of paper hit my head. How cliché – I just said I deal with whatever life throws at me – next second a piece of paper hits my head.

"Sorry Jenna, that meant to land in the bin" Hugh, the smartass of the class said. Ha, it’s funny; the bin is on the other side of the classroom. Uh, he can be a cunt when he wants to be.

"Very fucking funny, Hugh" I said as I chucked the piece of paper in the bin. My teacher Mr. Keen looked at me angrily, "Excuse me Jenna, don’t use that tone of language in the classroom"

"Whatever, I’m going to get a drink" I said as I got up from my seat.

"No you’re not, sit back down" he said. He’s so god damn assertive.

"No, I’m thirsty and I want a drink" I back chatted him.

"Sit down now Jenna or I will give you a lunch time detention next" he protested. Stupid teachers!

"Fine" I groaned as I sat down in my seat.

He continued to teach the class some stupid maths shit – algebra I think it’s called. I looked at the bored blankly. Maths is so so so so so boring.

I looked down at my book and started scribbling random things. I wrote Eddie + Jenna = Best Friends

I looked up from my book and at Mr. Keen. He was still being boring as usual. The all of a sudden, I looked at his desk and saw that little girl I saw in the toilets that time. Eddie said her name was Emily. Whoa this is freaky. Why is she in my class? I wonder if anyone else can see her, or if it’s just me.

I looked at the board filled up with so called maths. I personally think there a bunch of scribbley lines. I looked back at Mr. Keen’s desk and saw she was still there. She was just sitting there, on his chair, looking at me with her pure green eyes and white glowing ring around her. I was a little creped out.

"Sir, may I please go to the toilet" I asked as kindly as I could. He sighed in defeat, "Okay, hurry back" he said. I got up from my seat and looked back at his desk as I left the classroom. Her eyes seemed to follow my every move. Weird hey?

I started to walk to the girls toilets when I felt a sudden erg to look behind me. I could hear footsteps from behind me. I decided to take a chance, and look behind me. It was her. Emily. She was following me. I started to feel a bit worried and concerned at the same time. I began to walk faster and faster and feel my nerves shake a little more inside. My heart was racing faster. I looked behind me again and she was still following me, only this time, she was walking fast as well. My hands began to sweat, as I ran my way to the toilets. I finally made my way to them, and looked behind me. She was no sight to be seen.

I walked into the toilets and saw her standing by the sink I usually always check my hair at. I jumped in shock.

"Whoa, you scared me" I said. I was so confused. I walked closer to her, and got down on one knee.

"Why are you following me?" I asked her. She didn’t say anything. She just looked at me blankly.

"I know who you are. Your name is Emily Jones, and your seven years old, am I correct?" I said, becoming forward with her.

She nodded.

"Why are you following me?" I asked her once more. She looked me in my eyes, "you like Eddie" she said cheekily.

"What?" I questioned her sudden choice of words, "No I don’t" I denied it. I didn’t know she knew Eddie. I mean, I know they used to go to the same school, but I wasn’t expecting she’d remember him.

"Yes you do. And you’re going to fall in love with him" she said, sounding so certain. I was feeling a little confused. She must have had no idea what she was talking about.

"No I’m not!" I told her. I told myself I wasn’t going to fall in love ever again, so what makes her think I’m going to fall in love with Eddie?

"And he’s going to leave you" she said doubtfully in sadness.

"Okay what the heck are you going on about?" I asked her, as I stood back at up and crossed my arms.

"And all you’re going to have is me" she said.

"Alright what the fuck? None of that is true!" I protested at her. Her mood suddenly dropped with her face, "only if you say it’s not" she said as her ghostly figure started to fade away into the air. Wow that was weird.

Seriously though, who does she think she is? She doesn’t even know who I am. It’s not like she’s a fortune teller. She can’t read my future!

* * *

I arrived home just like any other afternoon, and threw my bag in my room. I looked to my corner of my room and didn’t see Eddie.

"Eddie? Eddie?" I said, trying to get his attention. Moments later, he showed himself, standing right in front of me.

"Hello beautiful" he said with his luscious charm. I smiled, "The weirdest thing happened today" I said making conversation.

"What happened?" he asked me. I walked over to my bed and plunked myself on it being the lazy person I was.

I sighed, "I saw Emily again today"

"Oh really?" he asked, as he sat at the end of my bed, looking down at me.

"Yeah. I was in maths class and she was in there with me. Then I went to the toilet and she followed me there" I explained.

"And what else happened?" he asked, suddenly becoming interested.

"I told her what her name was and how old she was, and asked if I got it right. I did. Then…" I said as my voice suddenly drifted low its pitch.

"Then what?" he asked me.

"Then she told me I liked you, and that I was going to fall in love with you, and that you were going to leave me, and all I would have left is her" I said as sadness gathered up in my voice.

"Oh" he answered, "She’s a strange little girl. I’m telling you this now – none of that is going to happen, okay. I would never leave you" he assured me. I sat up on my bed, crossing my legs, "What do you mean you would never leave me?"

He hesitated, "Well… if that ever did happen, I would never leave you". Aw he’s so sweet I thought.

"Okay good" I said. I knew there was nothing to worry about. I knew Eddie wouldn’t leave me, and that’s all I wanted to hear.

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