❀ two ❀

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After hours of pain, cas was relived to hear a straggled cry as air filled his baby's lungs.

"Congratulations, it's a little-"

"No!" cas interrupted the doctor, "please just take them somewhere they'll be safe"

"Cas, what are you talking about?!" dean asked.

The doctor and nurse took the screaming baby to clean them so the two men could talk.

"I can't keep him, dean!" cas sobbed, "they deserve a life with someone can take care of them. i can't even provide food or shelter!"

"Hey, look at me" dean said, placing a gentle hand on cas' arm.

Cas startled a little at the touch but looked up at dean's bright green eyes.

"You don't have to give up your baby" dean said, "if you want you can.. come stay with me at my place? just let me take care of you until you get back up on your feet"

Cas' eyes widened, "oh dean, we know nothing about each other! i could never ask you to-"

"Your not asking, i'm offering" dean interrupted him. "in fact, i'm insisting. you deserve happiness too, cas, and i would really like to get to know you better"

Cas sniffled and bit his bottom lip, "please, cas?" dean said.

"Yes.." he whispered, "we'll come stay with you"

"That's great, cas!" dean cheered.

Cas smiled at deans excitement "i'm ready to see my baby now"

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When the doctors brought the baby back they were cleaned and dressed in a white onesie.

"It's a beautiful baby boy" the nurse said, placing the baby in cas' pleading arms.

"A baby boy.." cas whispered, rubbing his sons cheek lightly with his thumb. "hi, my precious baby boy, i love you. i love you very much. i would never give you up, not in a million years"

He gently pressed his lips on his sons forehead, the baby wriggled and opened his eyes revealing the same bright blue eyes as cas'.

"He's kinda cute, huh?" dean teased, watching cas and the baby lovingly.

"Do you have a name for him yet?" the nurse asked.

"Yes" cas smiled, "noah. noah jimmy novak"

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Dean realized very quickly that he didn't know the first thing about shopping for babies.

"Can i help you with anything, sir?"

"Oh-uh, which one is the safest car seat for a new born?"

The female shop assistant chuckled, "i assure you, all of them are perfectly safe for new borns"

"Yeah, i know. sorry" dean said, scratching the back of his neck.

"Well, i could personally recommend this one" the assistant pointed to a box on the shelf. "This is the one my little girl has"

"Awesome, thank you" dean smiled.

After he got the rest of the baby essentials he headed to the check out stand then headed to go get cas and noah from the hospital.

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Cas sat on the hospital bed feeding noah when dean arrived. dean had a wide smile on his face when he entered the room.

"Hey! how are you guys doing?"

"We're doing extremely well" cas said, smiling down at his baby, "aren't we, sweet pea"

Noah hummed as he continued to suck on the tip of the bottle, he then looked over at dean with his big bright blue eyes.

"That kid's gonna be spoiled with eyes like that" dean said.

Cas smiled, "i hope you didn't spend much on him at the store"

"Cas, please, let me worry about that" dean said, "i'm looking forward to having you guys, the only person who visits me is my little brother and that's just on occasion"

Cas smiled and nodded, looking up at dean and for the first time realizing the pattern of freckles that dusted across his cheeks.

The two men knew they had been gazing at each other to long when noah squealed and wriggled in cas' arms. cas quickly snapped his attention back to his son, his cheeks turning a light pink.

"Dean, would you mind finish feeding noah while i get ready to leave?"

"Yeah, of course" dean said nervously.

Cas carefully put noah in dean's arms and handed him the bottle before heading to the bathroom with dean's old clothes to change in.

Dean started bouncing lightly as he fed noah, "don't worry, im gonna take care of you and your daddy" he told noah, "you'll both be safe with me"

rockabye baby ft. destiel [mpreg] .Where stories live. Discover now