✿ five ✿

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While cas put noah to bed, after moving his crib into dean's room, the winchester brothers caught up.

Sam was pleased to see a positive change in his brothers behavior, he smiled happily knowing cas and noah were the best things that happen to dean in a long time.

Once they decided they were ready to sleep, sam headed toward the guest room and cas and dean headed toward dean's room.

Cas was a little nervous to be sharing a bed with dean for the first time, "are you sure your ok with this? i could take noah and sleep on the couch?" he asked, as he sat under the covers in his boxers and t-shirt.

"Cas, don't be silly" dean said as he slipped under the covers beside cas. "i want you both here"

Cas eased himself under the covers then dean started to run a gentle hand up and down his side, nuzzling his face in the smaller mans neck placing sweet kisses.

Cas had to bite back a moan of pleasure, "dean, my baby is alseep only a few feet away" he whispered.

"Mmm, your right, better not scar him at and early age"

Dean pulled away to allow cas to get comfortable under the covers, when cas looked over at dean he saw the taller man shiver slightly.

"Are you cold?" cas asked.

"No, i'm fine" dean lied.

"No, please, you don't have to do with me" cas begged, "i never want you to feel you have to do that with me"

Dean seemed a little confused but let cas shuffle over so that the covers were draped over both of them.

"Better?" he asked.

"Much better" dean smiled, pressing a kiss on top of cas' head as the pair fell asleep in each others arms.


It was the second night of sam's visit. they were all sat in the living room watching a movie when noah started crying loudly.

Cas had immediately gone to see what was wrong with his son.

It has almost been an hour and a half ago and the baby was still crying at the top of his baby lungs.

"Poor noah" sam said.

"Poor cas," dean said, running a hand through his hair, "i better go see if he needs help"

When he entered the room he saw cas was on the verge of tears as he rocked his son trying to calm him down.

"Please, sweetheart, your gonna make yourself ill"


Cas turned to look at dean with wide eyes. "i don't know what's wrong! i've tried feeding him, i changed him, and he doesn't feel cold or like he has a fever or anything and-and i'm a terrible father because i don't know why my baby's crying!"

"Oh, cas, baby" dean said sadly, as he came forward and wrapped his arms around cas, making sure to be careful of noah between them. "your a wonderful father, cas, don't sat things like that"

"Well, i don't feel that way right now" cas mumbled, "here, you should try holding him. he loves you" he said with truth in his eyes.

"Cas, he does love you" dean tried to reassure him.

Cas didn't say anything as he handed noah over to dean. the baby didn't stop crying as dean started to rock him and shush him gently.

"Hey, what's the matter buddy?" he asked, "did u have a bad dream? is that it?" dean's hushes soon turned into hums, which then turned into a low voice as he sang the lyrics of a song his mother used to sing to him.

Cas became focused on the scene, dean had a beautiful voice.

By the end of the song the baby was sound asleep again. dean smiled to himself as he placed noah back in his crib then turned toward cas.

"You have a lovely voice" cas said quietly.

Dean walked over and pulled his partner into a tight hug, kissing the top of his head lightly.

"Are you ok?" dean asked.

"Yeah, i shouldn't have thought of that" cas mumbled.

"Everything's fine now"

"Thank you" cas whispered, placing a kiss on the talker mans lips.

Cas was grateful that dean is in his life now, and noah has someone else that loves him.

He had a family for the first time in years.

rockabye baby ft. destiel [mpreg] .Where stories live. Discover now