❀ twelve ❀

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• 6 months later •

"c'mon, baby, you can do it!" cas cheered.

its been a couple months since the incident but cas still kept the job if he agreed with dean to have ellen watch over him like a hawk, but since that day they haven't seen azazel since.

now, cas waited a few feet away with his arms wide open and a huge smile on his face as he watched his son use the sofa to help himself stand up and then began to walk wobbly over to him.

"papa!" noah soon collapsed into his fathers arms and gigled.

"yes! great job, sweet pea, im so proud of you!" cas picked up his baby giving him a kiss on his forehead.

it was just after noahs first birthday and the little boy had continued to grow perfectly and was of course spoiled with presents by sam, him and dean. and cas could hardly believe it had been just over a year since dean had found them and how much his life had really change.

cas had a home with the two people he loved the most in the world.

well... two people for now at least.

• • •

when dean returned home later on he found cas and noah still practicing his walking. he smiled happily as he went to join them.

"hey buddy, you're doing so good!" he praised.

"dada!" noah raised his arms to show he wanted to be picked up, dean happily obliged and he swore he felt an invisible tear role down his cheek when noah said that.

dean kissed noahs cheek as he let own a yawn, "oh, am i boring you buddy?" dean joked. "i think its bed time"

while dean went to take noah to his crib cas went and started to walk around the living room rearranging things nervously.

noah walking around wasn't the only thing that was exciting that happened today, but even though he was happy he was still anxious about telling dean...

"kid was out like a light! you must have been working him hard" dean said when he came back from the room.

"no! he was going at his own pace!"

"i know, baby, i was just teasing" he chuckled.

he walked over to cas and wrapped his arms around cas' waist. cas returned the gesture by nervously wrapping bis arms around his neck.

"whats the matter?" dean asked worriedly.

"nothing, its-its rather wonderful actaully..." cas chuckled with a smile.

"what is?"

cas took a deep breathe, "i'm pregnant"

dean froze.

cas started to get worried but then a huge smile spread across deans face.

"we're having a baby?!"

"yes" cas laughed "i think im about three weeks long"

dean then sunk to his knees and placed his hands on either sides of cas' still flat stomach.

"cas, i promise, no matter what, im going to take such good care of you. im going to make up for how crappy your last pregnancy was and treat you like royalty"

cas smiled with tears of joy in his eyes as he ran his hands through deans hair.

"i love you," dean said "i love you, noah and our baby"

"we love you too" cas replied.

then unexpectedly, dean stood back up and carried cas bridle style back to their room, placing him on their bed taking off his shirt and unbuttoning his pants.

"dean! what are you doing! noah is right across the hall!"

"its fine, babe, it'll be a quickie" dean leaned down, placing a kiss on cas' belly "watch your head in there"

rockabye baby ft. destiel [mpreg] .Where stories live. Discover now