Chapter-27 (ii)

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Chapter-27 (ii)

Day 54; Time 11:59am

This was something I didn't expect, it was like robbing in your own house. After I listen to what Mr. P had to say,  the floor popped up and I lifted it up leading me to an underground cave which ended up in having a set of stairs. The cave was like any other cave except there were tube lights instead of fire and there were titles covering the cracked walls.

I went up the stairs and lifted the cover of an unknown destination; the moment I opened it, here I was sitting in the only place I wanted to be; the vanity van.

I had to hide they had to seek me while they do that I have to break into the house unnoticed at mid-night and get the immunity medal from one of the contestant bag. In the first week an unknown contestant was called up as he had won the task given to him, he or she for that matter got the immunity medal; that is why one person from the five of us has (apart from the wild card entries) been saved from every elimination. And now it was my turn to earn it.

I have defiantly not got any information as to who it is, that’s why I have to rob. The person knows that I will come for it that is why he or she has to keep it safe and seek for me when I come out of the van to fetch it.

Now if I could just know who it is?

The vanity van was pink and red in color with one large couch at the far end was the washroom with a curtain that hid the bed and then there was the working desk with five mini LCD arranged. One of them was switched on automatically, it showed the pool area where everyone was swimming and enjoying, except me sitting here like an idiot.

“Wait, don’t put that inside!” Mari shouted and jumped in the pool on top of Charles. They were playing volleyball in the pool while Mari’s towel was just thrown inside.

Logan was bare chest and boy! Did he look hooott.. he was in Ajaz, and Mandy’s team while the other team had Charles, Oscar and Mari. While Devon was setting the pizza boxes on the table and Kitty was drooling over Logan and Devon at the same time.

Didn’t they notice I was missing at least Logan should have.

After playing for half an hour they went over to have some pizza. Mr. P had informed that task will end by 5:00pm

“Hey, where is Ivy?” Devon spoke as he toke a bite of pizza. And boy! Was I feeling hungry, I paused the screen and went to the mini fridge to get some frozen pizza heated. Once I had done that I resumed what Devon had to say when the other TV switched on, which showed everyone moving inside the house and on the top right it was written ‘LIVE’

And then the conversation started,

Devon- “Where is she guys?”

Mari- “May be she is in the washroom. I’ll check.” She went inside and came back after a minute saying that I was not there.Logan went inside the house and returned after five minutes.

Logan- “She can’t leave can she?”

Oscar- “I don’t know man?” he patted on Logan’s shoulder while Logan looked straight into Devon’s eyes.

Devon- “She’ll be there.”

Mandy- “I’ll go inside and check again, she must be joking that little prick.” While she went inside everyone was having their pieces, they looked all normal until Mandy returned.

“Guys, I found this note saying that Ivy won’t be back. She has been eliminated”

That is a very disgusting reason Mr. P

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