Relatable teenage posts

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🙃That fake laugh when you don't know what somebody just said

🙃Admit've googled yourself

🙃Me at a restaurant
Is there wifi

Me at a friends house
Is there wifi

Me on a mountain
Is there wifi

Me in the middle of nowhere
Is there wifi

🙃You are the reason I wake up in the morning LOL jk I have school

🙃Having a song stuck in a your head while you are taking a test

🙃That moment when you are suddenly drifting off to sleep and you feel like you are falling

🙃That mood when you are pissed off and you hate that everything exists

🙃Shopping is always a good idea

🙃Don't let today be a waste of make-up**some encouragement**

🙃Laughter is the best medicine but if you are laughing without a reason you need medicine

🙃When you go back to school and realize how much you hate everybody

🙃When people think you are lying because you are laughing

🙃That moment that you do a Maths problem and your answer isn't one of the choices

🙃That awkward walk/run when a car lets you cross

🙃That awkward moment when you're at a friends house and their parents star screaming at them........that's a nice wall you have

🙃When you have to study, even you bedroom walls look interesting

🙃Parents call it 'talking back' we call it 'explaining'

🙃It's even funnier when you are not allowed to laugh

🙃When I lose on a game 'it's okay it's just a game' but when I win 'HAHA losers!

🙃If I can reach it then I don't need it anymore

🙃When waiters ask 'are you done with that' and the plate is completely empty, me 'no I'm going to eat the plate too'

🙃You know you are in trouble when your parents call you with your full name

🙃Changing a word because you don't know how to spell it

🙃Spelling a word so wrong that autocorrect can't even figure it out

🙃Trying to complete a mission before the microwave hits 0:00

🙃That shameful walk to put something back at a store when your mother said NO!

🙃You open a pack of chips or something nice BAM 1 million random people are your friends

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