Moving To England

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*Denis's P.O.V*

"Denis, wake up," my mum said, "It's time to go to the airport." I groaned slightly as I got up from my bed. I quickly got dressed and got my suitcase that I packed the day before. Everything else was already packed. The original plan was that my family was going on a trip to England, but a few days ago, mum decided that we'll being moving to England. Good. I've been to every school in Ukraine and I've been bullied at each school. Mainly because my sexuality ends up being known by everybody. Due to the severe bullying, I've gotten anxiety and I've self harmed by cutting. I put my bags in the back of the car and sat behind the passenger seat. Dad sat in the driver's seat, mum sat in the passenger seat and my sister sat behind my dad. Dad started up the car and start driving to the airport. I slept for most of the car ride. I didn't wake up until dad drove into the parking lot. He was driving around in search for a parking spot. Once he eventually found a parking spot, he parked the car and the four of us got our bags from the back of the car. We walked into the airport and sat near the gate. Mum said that the flight would be approximately 2 hours and 44 minutes. Jeez, that's going to be a long flight. After a while, we boarded the plane. We found our seats in the exact middle of the plane and sat down. More people started to come onto the plane and sat in their designated seats. Once everyone was on the plane, the plane took off. I guess we're on our way to England.

-Plane Time Skip- *Still Denis's P.O.V*

I had fallen asleep during the flight. I didn't wake up until the plane was starting to land. People started fidgeting around in their seats as the plane landed. We couldn't leave the plane until the flight attendance said that we could. We got out of the plane and we waited by baggage claim. My sister was the first one to get her bag. Then mum goy her bag. Followed by dad finding and grabbing his bag. I was the last one to get their bag. Once we got our bags, mum told us that she had already gotten an apartment. We just need to follow her. We walked out of the airport and dad called for a cab. Mum gave the cab driver the directions to the apartment. Once we got to the apartment, dad managed to pay the cab driver as mum went to get the apartment keys. Mum led us to the apartment and unlocked the front door. Mum and dad told my sister and I to go and pick out our bedrooms. My sister went one way and I went the other way. Mum told me that the furniture would be coming sometime next week. Basically, I'll be sleeping on the floor with my sleeping bag. I'm glad I didn't get rid of my sleeping bag.

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