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*Denis's P.O.V* 

Mum told Lina and I that we'll be told either later today or tomorrow if we've been accepted to not. Lina is hoping that we get accepted. I don't blame her. I'm hoping that we get accepted too. It's a nice school. I don't see us going to another school. Dad unlocked the front door and we walked inside. Out of natural instinct, I walked into my bedroom, went onto my MacBook and put my headphones on. I started listening to Enter Sandman by Metallica. I let my mind just wonder off to my own little world. I like going to my own little world because my world is peaceful. As I was listening to the song, mum walked into my room with a big smile on her face. She has good news. Whenever she has good news, she has a big smile. I took off my headphones. 

"What's the good news, mum?" I asked, as I sat up on my bed. 

"You and Lina have been accepted at St. Lawrence Collage," she answered. I got up from my bed and mum and I jumped up and down. I might of squealed a little, but so did mum. She told me that we need to tell Lina that she and I have been accepted to the school. Mum and I went into Lina's room and told her the good news. Just like mum and I earlier, she squealed when she heard the news. But, I think she's squealing because of a different reason, if you know what I mean. Another thing I love about the school is that there's no uniform, which is awesome. No one likes uniforms. Apparently, dad already knows that Lina and I had gotten accepted to the school. 

"When do we start at the school?" I asked. 

"Tomorrow," mum answered, "So, we have to quickly get your school supplies." The four of us got into the car once again and went to the closest convenient store. The closest convenient store was literally two minutes away from the apartment complex. Mum parked the car in the parking lot and we got out of the car. We walked into the store and got the school supplies that Lina and I needed. Dad paid for our school supplies and we got back into the car. This time, dad was driving home. He drove us back to the apartment complex and we brought our school supplies inside. Lina and I sat in the lounge room, putting our names on our supplies. Mrs Sloan had emailed our schedules to mum and she had printed the schedules out. Our schedules were completely different to each others, but, then again, Lina is a grade ahead of me. I looked at my schedule and wrote the subject name on the correct exercise books. Everything had our names on it after 15 minutes or so. I picked up my school supplies and walked into my bedroom. I got my backpack that I've had for a year and put the books I needed for tomorrow inside. The books I didn't need for tomorrow was put onto my desk. I then walked back into the lounge room to see that mum, dad and Lina watching The Mummy. I swear, as a family, we have seen this movie a thousand times. I sat down on the floor and watched the movie because why not?

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