The Neighbours

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*Denis's P.O.V*

Even though it's still bright outside, it feels like it's night. I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks that. Mum, dad and my sister have been saying it as well as me. I guess it's jet lag for us. I had finished setting up my room, besides my bed. Besides my bed, my room was pretty much set. I walked out of my room and into the lounge room, where mum, dad and my sister were. There was a knock at the door. Mum went to answer the door and the furniture people were at the door. Looks like I won't be sleeping in my sleeping bag for a week. The furniture people started moving the furniture and putting it where mm and dad told them to. When it came to my bed, I got to say where they put it. I told them to put it against the wall, next to the door and I started putting my pillows, bed sheets and blankets on it. After doing so, I walked out of my room again and all the furniture was put into place. At least we don't have to sit or sleep on the floor. Mum told my sister and I that we'll be looking at a school tomorrow. I believe she said we'll be having a school interview with St Lawrence Collage. It sounds like a nice school to go to. I just hope that I don't get bullied like at every other school I've been to. There was another knock at the door and this time, dad answered the door. There were two people at the door. It looked like a mother and son. The son seems like he doesn't want to be here. Mum and dad shook their hands and invited them inside. Mum and dad introduced themselves and started talking to the other mum. My sister kept trying to talk to the guy.

"Hey, I'm Lina," she said, as she twirled her hair with her index finger, "What's your name?"

"Ben," he replied. He didn't say anymore after saying his name. He just looked around the apartment, not really looking interested in anything. I guess his mum dragged him here. Our parents seemed to be getting along with each other. Then there's Ben, Lina and I, who were adding next to each other awkwardly. I was going to say something to Ben, but Lina stopped me from saying anything.

"So, Ben, what school do you go to?" she asked.

"St Lawrence Collage," he answered.

"No way," she replied, "We might be going there. Depending if we get accepted." Again, Ben looked like he didn't care. I guess he doesn't want to be here. Our parents were still talking. I was about to go back to my room when Lina grabbed my arm and pulled me back. I gave her a angry look for doing so. I guess she doesn't want me to leave her alone with Ben.

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