Interview With The School Principal

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*Denis's P.O.V* *The next day*

Today is the day that me and Lina have an interview with the principal of St Lawrence Collage. Lina tried to look her best. I guess she really wanted to get into this school. I can take a wild guess why she would want to get into this school. I couldn't care less if we got accepted or not. Mum, dad, Lina and I went to the parking lot and got into car. Dad started up the car and started driving in the directions that mum was giving him. She had the directions on her phone. The school was a few blocks away from the apartment complex. I would say that the school was about 6 or 7 blocks away from the apartment complex. I just stared out the window until we arrived. St Lawrence Collage is a big school. At least it looks like a big school. Dad parked the car in the school's parking lot and we got out of the car. We met the principal in her office. We sat down in front of the principal who sat behind her desk. Her name is Mrs Sloan. That's what it says on her name tag. She shook our hands as she introduced herself. We shook her hand and she started asking us questions. There were a lot of questions being asked and most of the questions were for Lina. I allowed myself to go into a daydream. I was in this daydream for a good 5 or so minutes before Mrs Sloan called called my name. I looked at Mrs Sloan.

"So, Denis, tell me something about yourself," she said, "And be honest." I tried to think of something to tell her, but all the things I could think of were the reasons why I get bullied. I might as well tell her that I'm gay.

"I'm gay," I replied. I waited for her to say something rude, but instead, she did the opposite. She smiled.

"That's cool," she said, still smiling, "I support that." I smiled back when I heard her say that. She told me that there were a few other students that were apart of the lgbtq community. If I do get accepted, at least I won't be the only person of the lgbtq community. Mrs Sloan then showed us around the school. It's a pretty nice school. Students were either lining up for class or getting something from their locker.

"There's Ben," Lina said, happily. A little too happily. I rolled my eyes. Ben was at his locker, getting some books. He didn't seem to notice us. Mrs Sloan continued to show us around the school. This school has a big oval and so many classrooms. I actually quite like this school. I hope Lina and I get accepted at this school. Mum thanked Mrs Sloan for the interview and we walked back to the car. This time, mum was driving. She started up the car. She started driving home. I stared out the window the whole time. The ride back to the apartment was quite quick because we were back at the apartment within a few minutes. I really hope Lina and I get accepted to go to that school.

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