The First Day And The Normal Day

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*Denis's P.O.V*

Our neighbours had just left a few minutes ago. Ben didn't talk much. Lina kept trying to talk to him, but he never said a single word. I'm just glad mum didn't invite them to stay for lunch because it would be more awkward. Plus, we don't have much food. I kinda don't want to go to the same school as Ben. But, I can't choose if I get accepted. Today had quite fast because the sun was already setting. Mum had pizza from Pizza Hut. We now just need to wait for it to arrive.

*Ben's P.O.V*

I had just arrived back at our apartment. I didn't talk to mum as we walked back. I walked into my room and closed my door. I lay down on my bed with my hands behind my head. I thought about how weird the girl was being. I would've told her that I'm gay, but I couldn't be bothered saying anything. I heard dad walk into the apartment, late as usual. My mum started yelling at him for being late. This happens every single day. I grabbed a bottle of Jack Daniels from under my bed and opened it. I started drinking it and the burning sensation ran down my throat. I loved the burning sensation that went down my throat. I drank more and the burning sensation continued to go down my throat. This went on for a few more minutes until the bottle was empty. The bottle dropped to the floor and it rolled under my bed. I felt a bit tipsy. I'm not going to remember this tomorrow.

*Denis's P.O.V*

The pizza had just arrived after 15 minutes. Dad paid for the pizza and we sat in the dining room. We sat in silence before Lina started talking about Ben, again. I rolled my eyes and tried to block it out. I guess dad was trying to ignore it because he wasn't paying attention. Mum was the only one that was listening to Lina. I wish Lina would stop talking about him. It's really annoying. I ate my slice of pizza and since there was more slices, I took another slice. Everyone got a another slice of pizza. I started eating my second slice of pizza. I was enjoying every single bite of my pizza. It was nice pizza. Once I finished eating my slice of pizza, I walked into my room. I lay down on my bed and went onto my MacBook. I went onto iTunes, put my headphones in and played You Wear A Crown But You're No King by BlessTheFall. I lay my head on the pillow with my MacBook next to me. I put my hands under my head and stared at the ceiling. This is what I normally do after I've eaten. My mind started to wonder off as I continued to listen to the music on my MacBook.

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