Chapter 4

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Sup guys how r u all how's life here's another chapter

I stood up arranging my books neatly on my table the students started to pile in slowly, with every set they took I could hear the groans and growls 

I gasped as the students looked like zombies rather than humans, I pitied them but I still could not do a thing to help them, I knew this was going to be the result for I have seen far worse scenario 

I decided to change my mind as I did not wanted to burden them more than they can bear but then there will be the problem of not being able to complete the portion in time

A sigh escaped my lips, this was such a hard decision to make

I waited for every student to collect themselves when they did I started

"Good morning class" I started cheerfully all I heard were grumbles and weak no's

"Please pull out our text books and open page number 69 (😜)"

I picked up my marker writing on the white board explaining  physics

Physics is the love of my life, it's one of the most calming subject in the world at least for me that is

'Well there is no subject that is not calming for me'

I started to teach but I tried to take it a bit slow this time as I pitied them and did not want them to be burdened even more

After a while I finished placing my marker on the table and look at my clock to see I still had 15 more minutes to spare

They waited for me to continue but I wasn't going to

looking at them and smiled

"So do you guys want to do something else other than study" the class was dead silent not a single person said a thing, this made me a little nervous but it all came crashing down as there were a lot of whistles and wohoos being shouted as books being thrown, I giggled


"You know what, I feel like playing a game with you all what do you say" I suggested as I stood in front of the class 

Screams of yes filled the air 

I nodded

"Well then what are you waiting for get going to the gym" i motioned towards the door, encouraging them  

They all started to run and I followed

When we reached the gym every one looked at me with big eyes waiting for what I got for them

"So what do you all say, basketball" I suggested

They quickly ran to change while I went to get the ball

I was never really so big on sports since my whole life was to impress or surpass my parents that I never got time to do these things and look at me now suggesting to play

Shaking my head I smiled, quickly grabbing the best ball I could find we started the game

I was never a person of sports, never had I experienced this rush, this adrenaline coursing through me I have never been this interested in a game before

After lot of shouting, dogging and running and doing many other things the game finished with a tie

After a quick change we returned to the class

Everyone were happy as they sat and kept talking about the game but for some reason the bell never rang as it took 40 minutes to finish the game

I smiled and was about to start talking but a loud ring interrupted me, all the color drained from my face




I looked at my students seeing the confusion in their eyes

But I knew they could tell, I became pale white as a sheet

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