Chapter - 23

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Kevin sat at the head of the table while eddy and Rolf said at either side

They made small talks laughing occasionally as the butlers placed food in front of them

They did not make any move to start eating as they waited

Kevin counted the seconds in his head for how long it will take for them to come

He always give them 1 minute after the food is out for them to be here if they are not there after a minute is up they will be punished

Right on dot the butlers escorted D, Johnny who was holding onto double d tightly along with them was a strapped ed 

The butlers positioned them in front of their masters when satisfied they stood behind them

Edd was scared holding onto his robe tightly as he felt Johnny shake from his hold, even without looking he knew ed had a menacing look on his face making eddy chuckle

"Ah, right on time" Kevin said as they all pick up their utensils taking a bite out of their food

I looked around us to see the place was huge with only a table along with 6 chair placed in the middle while the butlers standing by the walls looking down

Even the cloths the butlers wore was posh consisting of a black suit along with white shirt

The clanking of utensils continued as the mafia boss and his goons ate

The aroma was enticing making our stomach gurgle

I blushed as those three looked at us smirking

Kevin sat back a bit and said "you hungry"

We were confused at this question so we chose to stay quite but our stomach thought otherwise

Kevin, Rolf and eddy laughed at this

After their laughter died down Rolf said "Johnny my boy come here"

At this Johnny flinched, I frowned while pushed him behind my back while growling "No"

At this Rolf raised his eyebrow but smirked, sitting back just like Kevin did

"Oh is that so" his smirk did not leave his face

Eddy chuckled facing ed and smiled "come here big boy"

But ed just got closer to us glaring at eddy

This seems to piss eddy off 

While the whole time Kevin kept on looking, the whole place was tense

I was shivering from fear the glared we got were intense

Kevin straightened himself and continued to eat Rolf and eddy followed

The whole time the clanking of utensils were heard

I lowered my guard a bit thinking they would not do anything in front of so many people

Kevin bought on of his hand up and snapped his fingers

The sound echoed in this big room

For a moment nothing happened but I felt hands taking hold of me

I looked behind me to see it was the butlers they were holding us

I struggled to be free from their grasp but they were strong

This whole time those three were eating occasionally glancing up

While two butlers held me a third butler stood in front of me

The butler on the right pushed my hand forward tearing the piece of cloth that covered my arm

The third butler held a small case opening it, inside were three injunctions filled with green fluid, at this I panicked and many no's and please escaped my lips

But it did not seem to effect them as they injected the syringe into my arm

I winced as the pain from the syringe piercing my skin was great

Tears slid down my face as I felt the fluid travel down my vein

The moment they were done they let us go, I held my hand as I feared something bad just happened

I felt eyes on me so I looked up to see Kevin smirking, eddy and Rolf were also doing the same

We knew something was wrong with that green fluid   

Save me from him or not (Kevinxedd) (Edxeddy)Where stories live. Discover now