Chapter - 31

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Kevin exited his room making his way down the hall as he was followed by Rolf along with eddy

They made their way past the room in which their guests slept peacefully

As they walked, hallways after hallways butlers bowed their heads greeting their masters as they walked by

Kevin did not pay them any mind but the seme butlers were dying to fondle eddy, who enjoyed the attention

While Rolf played with uke butlers as they passed

Nearing the doors which led out they noticed their men standing, holding the doors open

Kevin walked right out and sat in one of the limousine who's door was held open

Followed by Rolf and eddy

When seated they quickly went down to business

"We are going to the dock first to check our supply" Kevin said as he looked through his schedule for the day

Rolf nodded

"Then Rolf you go and meet ray"

Rolf nodded again

"Eddy you will come with me to meet one of the rising mafia groups"

"Hmm" hummed eddy

"After that you leave for that whore warehouse"

Glancing quickly at the paper present

"And then I have some more work, once you are done you are free" he finished

"Ahh, checking the merch is going to take a while" Rolf grumbled

"Do you want me to make room for the new merch in the warehouse" asked eddy

"Yah, do that" answered Kevin

"Rolf make sure all of them are virgins" Kevin directed his gaze towards Rolf who nodded and faked a salute

"Will do, sire"

As they discussed more about work, time flew by until they heard a knock from the driver's side

"Master we have arrived" spoke one of their many lackeys

"Lets get down to business" Kevin said as he stepped out of the vehicle

There were arrays of ships that were docked making it look like it came out of a beautiful painting

But all that was ignored as Kevin made his way towards one of the biggest ship present

The scenery changed as they neared the ship

"Master" came a timid voice

Kevin looked up to see a women who sat near the dock supervising the supply transfer

"May" acknowledged Kevin

She quickly snapped her fingers making her followers bring three chairs along with refreshments

When seated they picked the supply checking it over

While the process took place the women, may stood beside Kevin having a proud look on her face

"Hnn" acknowledged Kevin as he got up

"That's some good stuff, you did good" praised Kevin

May blushed but nodded

"how much longer till they empty out the containers" Rolf questioned

May looked annoyed but answered

"It will take a while, it is after all one of the biggest shipment we have ever received"

Rolf shrugged annoyed that he would have to wait longer

"Rolf you can leave, I and eddy will take it from here" Kevin said dismissing Rolf

Rolf cheered and walked away

"Eddy go inside see how much is left" Kevin ordered

Eddy nodded walking towards the ship while swaying his hips

May stood there waiting for her order

"Go and see if the trucks we have will be enough or do we need to bring more" Kevin  said without looking at her

May knew Kevin was talking to her and walked away

Quite a lot of time passed as they removed the drugs and reloaded them into the trucks

Eddy came back after his survey sitting beside Kevin looking over some papers helping Kevin

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