Chapter - 27

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I looked up as eddy took his shots setting himself on the table as he teased his toy

I grinned as I saw what was about to happen pulling Johnny on top of me I took hold of his chin

"Look, look at what an animal your sensei is" I chuckled into his ears

He shook his head as he was heating up, denying what was in front of him blaming it all on those shots they were given

This got me angry

My toy does not disobey me

Taking his ear between my teeth I bit him making him cry out in pain as tears slid down his cheek

He tried to pull away but I was not letting him have his way

After a while I felt it was ok to let go and I did, Johnny quickly bough his hand up towards his wounded ear nursing it

I chuckled turning my head to look at the beautiful display of flesh

'Ah, eddy, he has such a beautiful body but too bad he's not my type'

When ed descended I looked at Kevin to see he left his toy not touching him while he watched how eddy was being destroyed

My thoughts were cut short as Jonny squirmed in my lap

This pissed me off

I snapped my fingers making one of the many butlers come forwards containing another case

Johnny looked at it curiously as he flinched with every move I made

The butler quickly set it down opening it

I let Johnny go for a second as I pulled my sleeve up exposing my tatted arm

The butler positioned the needle waiting for my command

I nodded my head as a signal

With that the needle pierced my skin letting the fluid flow freely through my veins

Johnny by now was rubbing his legs together as his panting increased, this made me happy

When done I folded my other sleeve up revealing my tattoos

By now Johnny was slowly swinging back and forth not paying attention to what was happening

I grinned enjoying the view before it would be distorted by me

I lightly pushed Johnny forward making him lean a bit on the table

He whined at the sudden movement but made no move to change his position

Looking from the top of his head to the bottom it was a fine view

I trailed my hand on his back lightly touching but at the same time not touching him

he shuddered at the phantom touch arching his back for more, I was not complaining since I wanted to do more anyways

But before we could proceed there was a slam which shook the table

Looking up I saw the toy going at it with eddy

'He's such a masochist' I sighed returning back to what I was doing

My hands massaged his butt feeling the cushion behind those pants imagining ripping them, Johnny rocked a bit moaning softly feeling immense pleasure just from a touch

My hands travelled up lifting his shirt in the process exposing his back

Johnny shivered as the man blew cool air onto his back

Rolf was thoroughly enjoying this, leaning a bit on the boy he kissed his nape while jolts of shiver down ran down Johnny's spine

Rolf did not intent to let the boy rest so he started to lick and bite all the way down his spine re-repeating it

Johnny did not know what to feel so time's it felt good other time it hurts but the pain would disappear instantly replacing with pleasure and vice versa

The heat spread quickly as the man continued to touch only his back making his front twitch anxiously

Johnny whined trying to pry the man from his back wanting to be free from the agony

But the man was persistent not listening to what the other wanted

When satisfied he pulled away admiring his work of red, he took hold of the boys waist lifting him up while his other hand ripped the pants off the boy

Johnny cried out as his dick was free out of its confinement

Turning the boy over rolf slipped his finger into the awaiting hole surprised to see it was dripping wet waiting for someone to take him

Without any preparation rolf entered Johnny making him cry out

Rolf paid him no mind as he moved not letting the boy adjust

Johnny held rolf digging his nails into the flesh of the man as he was given some thing he never knew 

Save me from him or not (Kevinxedd) (Edxeddy)Where stories live. Discover now