Chapter - 8

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Hi guys how r u all how's life

On the floor lay one of the underling unconscious, on top of the man was Ed; fist clenched, shirt stained red, jeans tore near his knee making him have an appeal of a warrior who had fought thousand battles  

His breath labored as if he had been running a mile or two non-stop which was absurd

"Ed" I exclaimed in joy, a smile lit my face as I saw him healthy and breathing; bruised but alive. Sighs were heard from my students as they saw one of their favorite teacher 

Eddy and his boss looked at us but it did not faze me as I was too relieved

Ed looked up as he heard his name being called and smiled taking a step towards me, but that did not happen as the guests held him and forced him on his knees; one lackey on each  arm another lackey pushing his shoulder down making ed grown in pain from the pressure  

He tried to struggle and fight back but it did not seem to do a thing, instead they increased their pressure  

"Let go of me" he growled as he looked at the boss who had his back faced towards me

I was worried for him, I wanted to help push this men away from him but my first priority were my students

"Well, well, well, who do we have here" eddy said as he walked towards ed while swinging his hips lightly; side by side

Somehow that suited him the best as if the walk was made for him and many of our guests agree as they started to drool at the site 

Eddy held ed' s face turning it side ways inspecting; but for what , ed growled as he did not like being touched

"GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF ME" his voice echoed with so much venom I felt the hate and got scared

Eddy started to laugh like a madman as he clenched his stomach 

"Aww, how cute trying to act tough" eddy mocked as he forcefully placed a kiss on ed' s right cheek

"I like it" he kissed ed again but lightly this time

Ed was disgusted it clearly showed on his face

Eddy then turned towards his boss; smiling widely, saying 

"Kevin I want him" a puppy dog face took over his features 

Their boss who is now known as Kevin seem bored of this little ruckus but nodded anyways and turned

I flinched as he eye's connected with mine; those pearly black eyes just staring  

I did not know when and how but somehow the beanie placed on my head was ripped off, which  laid innocently in Kevin's hand, my hair fell lightly framing the side of my head which formed a beautiful wave of black hair

"DON'T TOUCH HIM" ed screamed struggling to be free from his confinement 

But Kevin was not fazed by this he just threw my beanie off to the side, one of his subordinate caught it and placed it in his pocket

By the time I was distracted with what that man was doing taking my beanie, I could not even see Kevin's hand, He was fast his moves smooth as wind I did not know what was happening but my hair was pulled from behind, he pulled me towards him

My face twisted in pain as his pull was strong, tears flowed down my cheek as my hair hurts

"Let him go you bastard" ed struggled as he saw tears stain my cheek

This got eddy pissed, he turned towards ed forcefully kissing him on the lips

Stopping ed's outburst

I looked at Kevin as he smirked, he turned towards his men; announcing 

"Take your pick" were the only words supplied 

The moment those words left his mouth my eyes widened as the underlings were gaining on us 

I held the man's arm which was pulling my hair; begging 

"No, please don't, please they are just kids, please don't do anything to them" I pleaded as I could hear my students cry as they were forcefully taken 

When I saw the man; Kevin, was not listening to what I have to say, I started to hit him chest, wanting to hurt him some how, to make him stop but I knew I was not strong enough, my punches felt like baby's not hurting just tickling

I glanced towards ed to see him struggling; hitting those that held him but it was a failure as there were too many of them 

When each man had a person in their hands; Kevin spoke again

"Round em up"

The moment words left his mouth; the underling's drew their guns; taking aim  

All color left my face as I saw them pointing their guns at my students; at those who weren't picked, my heart dropped  

Save me from him or not (Kevinxedd) (Edxeddy)Where stories live. Discover now