Reviews Part 2

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Hi Folks,

Just a quick note asking you all for a huge favour. I know us authors bang on about reviews incessantly but it really is vital to any sort of success. I'm sure if it was you, you'd also be going on about it lol

I know most people read reviews before buying something and the mass opinion is often what dictates whether we purchase that item or not. As a result, here I am asking for you guys to help me with this. Whether you read the whole original story before I edited it, or managed to read it before I took it down, please go and leave a review on Amazon - you really will be loved forever!

If you've read the teaser chapters on here and would like to continue the read, I will provide you with a free copy of the ebook (the arc in this case) in return for an honest review.

I'm aware that some people may just think 'woo, free book' and not bother to leave the review, but please take a minute to consider how you would feel if the situation was reversed.

If you would be willing to do this for me, please drop me a PM and we'll get it all arranged.

Lots of love,

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