Chapter Two

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All weekend I thought of nothing but what he'd said, and finally convinced myself I was reading far more into it than I should be. Putting aside the fact he was my boss, a guy like him would never be interested in me anyway. I vaguely wondered if he had a line of women following him everywhere, it really wouldn't surprise me. Like lines from detention, I repeated to myself I would control my daydreams about him. It wasn't healthy—or normal.

Monday morning soon arrived and I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when I realised I was the first one in.

The building I worked in was three storeys high. As was just my luck, I happened to be on the top floor. To the left of my desk was a long line of offices, one for each of the directors. I sat with my back against the far wall, enabling me a clear view of anyone who walked in, plus the visitors seating area in front of me.

Awaiting their next guests, the plush grey sofas needed plumping, and the country house magazines strewn all over the glass table needed tidying. I hummed to myself as I fussed over everything. My thoughts tailed off to Paul for just a second, and I became all fingers and thumbs. The magazines fell from my hands, scattering across the soft beige carpet. I cursed under my breath, and cleared up my mess. As I stood back up, and turned around, I screamed as I met Paul's handsome face inches from my own.

"Oh my God!" The adrenaline pulsing through my veins sent me lightheaded. I couldn't quite work out if it was shock or nerves.

"Good morning," he said, giving me a warm smile.

"Morning. You scared the hell out of me. I didn't think anyone was in yet."

"Sorry to disappoint."

The tension between us was impossible to ignore. I felt as if I could reach out and strum it like a strained elastic band. Every passing second heightened the sizzling atmosphere to new levels. I didn't know what to do, except escape this awkward situation, so I offered him a cup of coffee.

"That would be lovely, thank you." As he moved behind me, en-route to his office, he whispered in my ear, "And I would love to be your God."

Shock rendered me motionless for several seconds. By the time I whipped around to face him, he was already closing his office door. I didn't imagine that, did I? Maybe I wasn't reading too much into this after all.

Past my desk was a small corridor leading to the small kitchen. In a complete daze, I wandered down, and made his coffee. As I raced through all the recent happenings, I realised with a heartwarming swell he was definitely hitting on me. He had to be.

I took his coffee to him, surprised to see we were still on our own. My gut began to churn as I wondered exactly why that was.

"Thank you." He smiled and cleared his throat. "Just me and you today, Kyra."

My heart stopped dead, anticipation lodging in my throat. "Oh. Okay. I haven't been informed of anything to alter the movements diary."

"Andrews and Chapman have a delayed flight back from New York—no doubt you will have an email from them both. Michaels is off sick and Harris is on holiday as you know. Nicholls, Tate, and Atkins are in the meeting in Devon with Mr. Collins. That leaves just me. And you."

"Okay." I thought over my options for a split second before a naughty thought skimmed its way past my lips. "I guess I'm all yours then."

He raised his eyebrows, seemingly stunned by my response. I grasped my opportunity with both hands, and left him to chew over it as I sashayed my way out of his office.

Two can play that game, mate. You're not catching me off guard anymore and enjoying it.

He remained in his office for the rest of the morning, only appearing as the clock struck one p.m.—lunch time. As I gathered my bag, ready to head out, he strode towards me, the confidence in his advance making my imagination run riot once again.

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