Chapter Three

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Several minutes later, we came up for air, both of us panting. I was nothing short of a hot, flustered mess after groping my way across his delicious torso. Being able to finally touch him achieved nothing but to further my need for him. Naked images of him flooded my mind, sending my imagination into overdrive.

"You okay?" he asked.

I nodded, a stupid grin on my face.

He pecked my lips before rearranging his shirt. Once he'd finished, he stood, staring at me, a smile folding over his lips.

I pushed myself away from the wall, smoothing down my own clothes. "What the hell was that?"

"I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself any longer."

Those simple words sent my head into a complete spin. It seemed so...surreal to hear those words coming from him, from my boss. I faltered, not really knowing what to say back to that.

"I'm guessing by the fact you didn't slap me, you're glad I couldn't?" he said.

That I could definitely answer. "You have no idea."

"Can I take you out to dinner?"

"Is that just a formality before the inevitable?"

In mock horror, he slapped a hand over his chest. "I can behave for however long is required."

"Of course you can."

"That sounds like a challenge to me, Miss Wilson."

"Maybe it is," I said, giving him a cheeky wink.

"Friday night. After all, we don't want you tired for work the next day, do we?"

I flashed him my best smile. "No, not at all."


By the end of the week, the atmosphere between us evolved into nothing short of animalistic lust, a primitive need to satisfy each other's cravings.

Paul handed me work at any given opportunity, stroking my fingers as he passed it over. Each piece I handed back would result in a closed door, stolen kisses, and disturbed clothes. I had a feeling dessert on Friday night would not consist of food—unless the food was on one of us.

The burning desire smouldering deep inside me was something I'd never harboured for anyone else Something about him bewitched me, lost me in a world of insatiable daydreams, made me question the true depths of myself.

I wasn't really the relationship type of girl. Sleeping around wasn't my thing either, just the odd one-night stand here and there. My dating history was sporadic at best and not what you would classify as experienced. My longest relationship had lasted a mere six months before I chucked the poor guy when he confessed his love for me. On the surface, commitment scared me, and the second I heard the dreaded 'L' word, I would run for the hills, leaving them stood balking in my dust.

Yet Paul captured my attention to an extent I never knew a man could. I wanted him for more than one night, but the alternative option to that scared me. To bare my soul to someone, to bond myself to them and only made me shudder. But a part of me, deep down, craved that stability—I just chose to ignore it.

I finished work on Friday, my nerves a bouncing ball of excitement and curiosity. I didn't need any drugs to get high, I just needed him.

As I took the last piece of work into his office, I bent a little lower than necessary, giving him the perfect view of my cleavage.

He raised an eyebrow and ran his tongue over his bottom lip. "Anybody would think you were trying to seduce me, Miss Wilson."

"Is that a problem?"

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