Chapter One

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He captivated me entirely. His entire essence called to me as a glimmer of light beckons a moth. My body hummed in delight from his touch. The delicious strokes of pleasure from between my legs left me revelling in new levels of joy. His lust-filled gaze trailed down my heaving chest, sending shivers running through me. I found myself transfixed on his taut, muscled arms gripping my thighs—the image alone almost released me from his sensual assault.

He plunged himself in and out of me, faster, deeper, each urgent thrust pushing breathless gasps from me. With his chiselled cheeks, and burning blue eyes, he brought me to my sweet edge in seconds. I collapsed back on his desk, panting and swimming in an ocean of decadence.

He glued his lips to mine as a groan vibrated through him. He stilled for a few seconds before he lay on top of me. His laboured breaths still resonated with something inside me.

As he sorted his clothes out, I propped myself up on my elbows, biting my lip with a seductive bat of my lashes.

"So," he said, a cheeky grin tweaking the corners of his mouth. "How do you think your appraisal went, Kyra?"

"I think it could have been better." I flashed him a wicked smile.

"I look forward to seeing your notes on improvement."

He moved back towards me with a mischievous grin, those succulent lips of his inching their way towards my neck. Like prey to a vampire, he had all the access he required. I couldn't help the moan of desire escaping me as he grazed kisses across my skin...

"Kyra. Hello, Kyra. Anybody home?"

I startled, my cheeks heating up in an instant as I saw him smiling down at me from the edge of my desk. "Yes, sorry."

"You were away with the fairies there, weren't you? Anything good?" He darted his tongue over his lips, my heart rate spiking in an instant. "Can you please type these letters and give them back for me to sign?"

I nodded and made a grab for the papers, trying to hide my flustered state. With a sly smirk, he sauntered back to his office, the definitive click of the closing door piercing through the deafening silence.

Running a shaky hand through my dark hair, I breathed a sigh of relief. Oh my god. I need to pack this in.

He was my boss—a new director in our company. Young and smoking hot combined with an air of confidence which mesmerized any female within a ten-mile radius, he was never far from my thoughts. He carried himself like a Greek god, looked like a Greek god, and I had no doubt he was, in fact, a Greek god. If his body was anything like his edible face, I knew I'd be lost to him.

His name was Paul Connors and, as far as I knew, he was single. I convinced myself he flirted with me but I couldn't be sure. I was the PA to all the directors in the company, but he was the one who gave me the most work. The guy he'd replaced hardly gave me any.

Calming my rosy cheeks along with my imagination, I completed his work within an hour. Knocking on his office door, I waited for that honey laden voice to coat me in its sugary sweetness.

As effortless as silk falling from a blade, his voice slid across the room. "Come in."

I walked through, careful to avoid direct eye contact for as long as possible so I wouldn't keep picturing him naked.

"Shut the door, Kyra, please. I think we need a little chat. Please have a seat."

The second I closed the door, the atmosphere began crackling with tension. Each step I took towards the soft blue chair seemed to be like an ominous walk of death. I placed the letters on his desk, my heart pounding so loud against my ribs, I was sure he could hear it.

"Thank you." He took a swig of his water, glee painted all over his handsome face. "Are you okay, Kyra? You seem very distracted of late. Is there anything you would like to discuss?"

I resisted the urge to squirm in my seat, and focused on a painting on the wall behind him. The scorching burn of my cheeks complimented my now sweating palms.

"Um, no, I'm fine, thank you. I have a tendency to daydream now and again. I'm sorry, I'll curb it."

"That's fine. We all do it." He flashed me a dazzling smile, more heat gathering in every part of me. "Well, my door is always open if you need to talk about any problems you may have. And I do mean any problems."

My heart skipped a beat. Was he insinuating he knew I had a crush on him? A smile escaped onto my lips as I thought about telling him my problem was him. Just his voice made me melt like butter under a hot knife.

"Are you smiling about anything nice?" he asked, amusement dancing through his eyes.

I crossed my legs and mumbled an apology, trying to think of anything other than him to calm my raging hormones. I lowered my gaze in shame, that at thirty years old, I couldn't control myself any better than a teenager with front row seats at a One Direction concert.

"You know," he said, lowering his voice. "I would love to know what you daydream about."

His blasé statement caught my attention and I snapped my head up, startled. "Sorry, what?"

"Well, maybe it's something that would benefit the company."

My heart raced like a stampede of wild horses. "Sorry to disappoint."

His svelte mouth creased into an innocent smile. "I'll let you get back to work. I heard old Andrews shouting for his papers earlier."

He stood and gestured towards the door. Like some cliché movie moment, we both grabbed the door handle at the same time. A breath caught in my throat and I snatched my hand back, hoping he hadn't noticed the slight sheen to my skin. The unexpected contact only threatened to turn that sheen into a nervous sweat.

He took a step towards me, invading my personal space just a little too much for a professional relationship. "Just to clarify," he said, leaning into me. "You never disappoint me, Kyra."

I gasped, his hot breath lingering over my skin. Goosebumps covered me as I noticed the glee skipping across his features. Those dangerous eyes of his danced with mischief, tickling me for a response, but I had nothing.

He opened the door, signalling for me to exit. "Back to work, Kyra." 

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