Chapter 3

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My hand started shaking as I exited my bedroom and walked down the wooden stairs towards the large door. The clicks of my heels where all that could be heard and echoed through my brain.

I wasn't sure what had gotten into me but I suddenly was filled with nerves and was even a tad bit anxious for tonight with Simon. Laura's speech gave me a whole new perception on my intentions, and since she was sleeping at my house so she could hear all about it when I got home I wasn't exactly sure if this was just a friendly get together through my eyes anymore. Part of me was hoping for a bit of romance that I could share when I got back tonight. 

I reached my front door and a wave of nerves swept over me. If I opened it in a way I could be opening up to the next phase of my life. As my shaky hand grasped the golden knob and began to turn I could feel everything in the past brush to the side. This was my next chapter.

The door was now open and there you were. A single white rose was gripped between your index and middle finger of your right hand. You looked a lot cleaner than the other night. Your hair had been cut and your beard was a lot cleaner now. It wasn't all over the place, and looked so much nicer this way. Your light blue button up shirt was definitely steamed and dry cleaned to perfection. Your cologne radiated of the collar and when the smell hit my nostrils it sent me to heaven. All this made you a thousand times hotter. I was lost in awe before your deep voice rang through my ears again taking me out of some sort of trance.

"Wow you look stunning... This is for you," you placed the rose in the palm of my hand, "The reservations are in about 20 and it's about 10 minutes away so if you're ready we should probably head out."

I nodded my head with a slight laugh. Nerves were apparent in your tone of voice as well which some what settled mine. I closed my front door and as my hand left the handle your fingers had already intertwined and laced there way with mine.

It took my back. It was a bold move that I wasn't expecting. I felt like I was young again. My heart even skipped a beat. Just the touch of your hand had me all flustered.

We walked down the pathway to your car and as I reached out to get the door your hand brushed it away as you gripped the handle opening it up for me. The small gesture took me back once again, no one ever did such a simple yet heart warming deed for me in the past.

Once we were both in, and on our way down the street you began to small talk. You asked me questions all about my life, as if you were fascinated by every small detail. We found out that both our favorite colors were green, and we both like tea over coffee. How we both wanted to have a relationship like our grandparents.  I found out that you were the captain of the soccer team in high school and at one point both of us wanted to be heart surgeons but realize shortly after it wasn't ideal for who we were.

Within no time we were pulling up in front of the restaurant and you once again rushed to my side taking hold of my hand. My nerves had eased down and I began to feel comfortable.

We made our way to our table and sat across from each other. Sure enough the waiter walked over with my favorite bottle of wine, and poured us each a glass.

Our conversations from the car way here carried out, and our voices over powered the soft piano playing in the background. You told me stories about everything and anything. From the time you moved from America to when you we're so nervous for your daughters first birthday party that when you were bringing out the cake you were shaking so much it fell.

Over the course of our meal you opened up to me and I didn't feel like I was with a stranger. I felt like I knew you my entire life.

We finished our entrees but that didn't stop us from continuing conversation. Our hands were once again intertwined placed on top of the table. We both ordered a cup of tea as the restaurant began to clear out.

"I've really enjoyed tonight Simon. It was nice getting to know about you." I said while taking a sip from the white porcelain cup. We never lost eye contact.

Your thumb rubbed across the top of my hand right over my knuckles sending goosebumps up my arms.

"Just because the restaurants closing doesn't mean this is the end Adele. This could be the beginning of a fantastic night."

It was just the beginning...

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