Deadpool x Stuart the minion (NSFW)

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Wade sauntered up to the miniature banana coloured creature in baggy overalls and picked him up by his goggles and dragged him into a store closet before stripping off his red, condom like suit to a bare scar filled body. Stuart immediately and wordlessly stripped off his dungarees exposing pure neon yellow skin and stepped onto an upside down bucket next to the wall. Leaning against the cold concrete stuart moaned as Deadpool filled him with immense pleasure and joy. Deadpool fucked him vigorously until stuart felt like he was never going to recover. Then he pulled out and whipped his suit back on "well wolverine will be expecting me in his bedroom now" Deadpool whispered seductively zipping himself up. "will you Fuck me again sometime?" Stuart mumbled breathlessly. "sure bub... Oh Fuck wolvies fucking language is rubbing off on me, I'm spending too much time fucking him" and with that Deadpool left leaving a forfilled stuart lying on the store closets floor "well this is something Bob will be jealous of"

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