Finding out

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You and Harry were just playing with the cats, when you noticed something. Your period was late by a few days. You thought nothing of it because your period is unusual, and you've been throwing up the past few days. You were just sitting in Harry's lap when you felt like you needed to vomit, yet once again today. You grabbed the trash bin and started to throw up your dinner. Harry noticed and attended to your care.
"This is more than the thenth time that you've thrown up today baby girl are you ok?" Harry asked.
You nodded but Harry wasn't having it.
"I think I should take you to the doctor." He said with worry in his voice.
You finally stopped and said.
"Harry I'm fine. It's probably just the stomach flu or a virius."
You just curled up in his lap. He picked you up bridal style and layed you down in the bed.
"Stay here while I make you a warm bath ok baby girl."
You smiled at him and he went to make you a warm bath. When he finished it he carried you to the bath and stripped you down naked. You got in the bath while Harry stripped down himself. He got in and layed down.
"Come on beautiful lay down."
You layed down and Harry drew circles on your stomach when something crossed your mind that Harry would be happy about.
"Yes baby?"
"Do you think that I could possibly be pregnant."
"Do you think that I could possibly be pregnant."
"I mean like throwing up is a symptom to pregnancy."
"Have you had any other symptoms?"
"I've missed my period but you know that I have a unusual period cycle."
"How late has it been?"
"I don't know, maybe a week."
"Do you want me to pick up some pregnancy tests for you to try?"
"Yeah. But not today...... I want to relax."
"Yeah me too."
Both of you relaxed until you got out. You got some shorts and a shirt on while Harry just has boxers on.

You woke up to Harry not in bed, you put your hair up just in case, you immedietly feel like you're going to vomit. You run to the toliet and throw up.
"Y/N? I'm back." Harry said as you heard the door close.
After you didn't answer, Harry came up the stairs.
"Y/N? Are you here?" He now sounded extremely worried.
You couldn't talk so to get his attention you hit the wall as hard as you could. He heard it and came running in.
"Oh baby girl, are you ok?!" He asked as he quickly came to your side.
You nodded and threw up again, while gripping the toliet seat harder. He rubbed your back up and down for you. After finishing you curled up with Harry and started to cry.
"Whats wrong? Why are you crying?" He asked as he removed a tear with his thumb that had escaped.
"I - I" You broke down into sobs and held Harry tighter.
"Do you want to take the pregnancy test that I got from the drug store?"
You nodded and he went to go get the box. Once you had the box in your hands you read the instructions, took out the stick and shooed Harry out. You sat down on the toliet and peed on the stick. About five minuetes later you checked the test. There were two very visible pink lines. You were most certainly pregnant.

A/N: Hope you guys enjoy this series/chapter :)

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