Telling his family

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You and Harry were down in Holmes Chapel, to visit his family. You were driving around town, because you still had done time to spare. Then something stuck Harry's mind.
"Just because we're in here and we're visiting my side of the family, do you think we should tell them that you're pregnant?"
"I think we should..... but on the other end, you know that there's a very high chance of the baby not making it through the whole pregnancy."
"Yeah you're right Y/N. We don't have to tell them if you don't want to."
"Since we have more time, do you want to swing by my old house?"
"Yeah sure. We haven't been there for awhile."
  You drove all the way to your old house while One Direction music was playing. When you drove by the house it was still there.
"After eighteen years it still stands Hazz." You said.
"Yeah. I'm surprised."
"Do you want to start heading to your moms place?
"Yeah why not."

It was around 9:00pm and everyone was having fun and having a good time. Since you were pregnant, you couldn't drink so, you drank water. You went over to Harry while he was talking to his stepfather, Robin. You got his attention and whispered.
"Do you want to tell them now?"
He nodded and placed down his glass of grape juice, since he didn't want you to feel left out.
"Ok everyone can Y/N and I have your attention?!"
  Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked over to the two of you.
"What is it Harold?" Anne asked.
"Well. Y/N and I want to tell everyone something that happened recently." Harry said as he smiled.
"Did you propose to her?!" Gemma asked.
"No. Something else."
"What is it then?" Robin asked.
"Well. As you know, Harry and I have been trying to conceive a baby. And just a few weeks ago we were blessed with a little baby. I'm pregnant!" You said.
  Everyone erupted into cheers and hugged both you and Harry. Once everyone was calmed down Harry said.
"But there is a catch."
"Oh don't worry Harry. We won't spoil the child." Gemma said jokingly.
"No that's not it. As you know, Y/N's side of the family has a background of miscarriages."
Then you decided to carry on.
"So the baby may not survive the whole pregnancy. So that means that I may have a miscarriage." Tears filled your eyes just thinking about loosing the baby.
  Harry reassured you as he rubbed his hand on your arm.
"Listen dear, if you do end up having a miscarriage we'll always be here to support you." Anne said and gave you a hug.
"Thanks Anne."
"Don't worry sweet heart. You're apart of the Styles family. Even if you're not engaged to Harry."
"Thanks again."
"No problem."
  You hugged once more and everyone went to bed for the night.

A/N: So I decided that I' just going to post the pregnancy series once the chapter is done so that I won't keep out waiting for them to all come out at once :)

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