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  You were getting ready for the music awards with Harry. It had been a few months since you've found out that you were pregnant. You still continued to have morning sickness though. When you were brushing your hair, since you'd already done your make up, Harry came into the room with a bag that had your dress in it.
"You look beautiful babe." Harry said as he kissed your head.
"You don't look the bad yourself Mr. Styles."
  You continued to fiddle with your hair accessory until Harry came and put it in.
"How did you do that?" You asked. "I've been at that for hours!"
"I don't know. Gemma always used to ask me to help her with her hair."
"Are you ready to try on your dress now?" He asked.
"Yeah why not. I've been in these sweats all day."
  Harry unzipped the zipper, to reveal a short black dress with some lace on the top.
"Harry! Where did you get this!" You said as tears started to form in your eyes.
"Can you not get mad at me?"
"Well. I was looking through your clothing diary, and I found this dress as one of your ideas, and well..... I brung it into your work and showed it to your maneger..... so he decided to make the dress."
"I can't get mad at you for this! This dress is my dream dress since I was just a little girl!"
You hugged Harry and tried on the dress. Once you got into it, you got Harry to zip it up with a silver chain.
"Are you ready for the big reveal Harry?" You asked.
"I've been waiting ever since you decided to get ready."
  You laughed at that and walked out.
"That looks better on you than it did on paper and the hanger!" Harry said as he kissed you.
  You went to go look in the mirrior and saw that you had a little bump.
"Harry I have a bump!" You said as you looked up at him.
"Oh jeez you do." He said as he touched the bump.
"How are going to hide it from the fans?"
"If they suspect that you're pregnant we can tell them. But we don't have to. It's your choice."
"Thanks Harry."
You kissed and then you heard a horn honk from outside.
"I believe that that's our ride."Harry said as he led you to the door.
  You put on your heels and walked out the door. Once you got in the limo, you saw the rest of One Direction.
"Hey boys." You said.
"Hey Y/N." Niall said.
  Harry came in after you and everyone goofed around. Liam brought Cheryl while Louis and Niall didn't bring anybody.
"Are you exited Y/N?" Liam asked.
"I mean I am..... but I'm also extremely nervous. This is my fist big event that I've gone to with Harry." You replied as Harry squeezed your hand.
"You don't have to worry Y/N. Harry will do mostly all of the talking for you. All you have to do is smile and nod. That's what Liam and I do. But it might be different because I've done this many times, because I'm in the music business myself, and your not." Cheryl said.
"It is kind of scary because since I'm pregnant."
"Don't worry love, these shows are always scary, even if you've been to them over, and over, and over again." Louis said.
"Thanks Louis."
   It was a long car ride and you talked about random stuff when you finally arrived at the red carpet.
"We're here baby. You may get blinded by the cameras, but just stay close to me. We won't be traveling very fast." Harry whispered.
   He got out of the limo after the boys and Cheryl. He waved to the the fans and the cameras. He looked back at you and guided you out. His hand immediately went around to your waist to where the bump laid. Not long after you went up the stairs you and Harry were pulled for a little talk with an interviewer.
"Hi I'm here with the one and only Harry Styles with his wonderful date." The interviewer said. "How are you doing Harry?"
"I'm over the moon."
"And why is that?"
"Well of course I'm here with my lovely girlfriend Y/N."
"So you have a girlfriend now! That's some news. How long have the two of you been together?"
"We've been together for about a little over a year now."
"That's lovely. Do the fans know about Y/N?"
"They knew that I had a girlfriend, but I dumped her, and we sorta talked for a while and got together. So I guess you could say that they know her as my girlfriend, but they don't know a lot about her like Directioners know a lot about the boys and I."
"Well, have a good night Harry and hope to win awards!"
We then moved onto the spot where pictures would be taken after many interviews. After the pictures, Harry took you to the assigned table where the rest of One Direction were sitting. Once some of the awards were handed out to the winners it finally came to the category for 'the best music video of the year'. Elton John talked and then the nominations were said. The nominations were One Direction, Shawn Mendes, Bruno Mars, The Weeknd and Justin Bebier.
"And the winner of the best music video of the year is." Elton said.
  He opened the envelope and revealed that Harry had won.
"The winner is One Direction, Perfect!"
The boys stood up, but before Harry went up, he kissed you, and touched your bump. They went up and received the award. Niall spoke first.
"Thank you directioners so much for voting for us, even though we're on hiatus. We love all of you!"
Then Louis spoke.
"As Niall said, we're so great full that all of you voted for us. We really have the best fans."
Liam spoke next.
"I want to thank everyone who's supported us along the way. Our fans are truly amazing!"
Then Harry spoke last.
"I love every single one of our fans for being there for us since the start. But I want to give a shout out to my lovely girlfriend Y/N for being there for me before the X Factor and after. I love you Y/N! I love all of our fans. Thank you all so very much!"
  The boys came back down and sat down.
"Hey baby. How are you? You still feeling sick?" Harry asked as he sat down, his hands went straight down to your swollen stomach.
"I'm doing well. The sickness, has gone away a little bit, but I still feel a little dizzy, at times." You replied, your hand went down to Harry's on your stomach.
"Have some water baby girl."
  You drank some water and you started to feel better.
"Better?" Harry asked as he put the water down.
"Yeah. It may of been just nerves."
    The rest of the awards were handed out and soon enough, it ended with One Direction winning some awards. You all got back into the limo, and the uber drove everyone home. Once Niall was dropped off, you and Harry were the only ones left to be dropped off at home, the whole way back was Harry, whispering sweet nothing into your ear as you both had your hands on your bump.


    It was the day after the awards and both you and Harry, were snuggling on the couch while looking at twitter. A bunch of fans were congratulating One Direction on winning some awards, when Harry spotted a tweet about yesterday. It's a picture attached to it, woth it saying. 'Is Harry Styles going to be a dad with his new girlfriend Y/N? Or did she just eat a big lunch before the awards?'
"Well..... they got us Hazz." You said while you curled up in a ball with your bump.
"Let me tell you, they're pretty good with this kind of stuff." He replied, kissing your temple.
  You laughed. To make the fan happy he replied that you were pregnant, with the nod of approval from you. Sooner later, you told your parents, who supported you and Harry, even though you may have a miscarriage.

A/N: My wifi was out for a few days because of renovations so I couldn't upload :(

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