Throwing Up (Harry's POV) Pt. 1

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     Y/N was still sleeping and I was just putting some sweat pants on. I soon heard footsteps that were running towards the bathroom. I came out of the little walk in closet that we had a walked over to Y/N who was having morning sickness. I put her hair up in a bun and rubbed her back. When she was done, she curled up in my lap and put her arms around my neck and said.
"When is this going to be over Hazz?"
"I don't know baby, but I really don't like this stage."
She laughed but quickly unraveled herself from my torso and threw up again. Gemma came into the room while, rubbing her eyes.
"What's going on Harry?" She asked sleepily.
"Y/N has morning sickness." I said back.
"Oh that's why she's throwing up at this hour."
"Could you tell mom?"
"Yeah sure why not."
Gemma went downstairs while Y/N finished. She put her arms back around my neck and said.
"I'm hungry Hazz."
"What do you want?"
"Do you think I could have some oatmeal with fruit in it?"
"What kind of fruit?"
"Mangos, peaches, strawberries, blackberries and raspberrys please?"
"Anything for my baby girl."
"Thankssssss Har-"
She couldn't finish her sentence since she fell asleep. I carefully got up and she wrapped her legs around my waist. I got her blanket and put it on her, and she grabbed it. I carried her downstairs. Once I entered the living room, since she was still asleep, I sat down on the couch.
"Guess the Mormon sickness has really whooped her butt." My mom said.
"Yeah I guess so."
"Do you think she's hungry?"
"Yeah she is. Do you think you could get her some oatmeal with some fruit in it?"
"What kind of fruit does she want?"
"Strawberries, peaches, mangos, raspberries and blackberries."
"Ok, I'll make it up for her."
I looked down at my sleeping girlfriend when something popped into my head.
"Yes Harry?"
"Do you think I should propose?"

A/N: Ok Harry, so I guess you want to propose to Y/N?! What if she says yes. But what is she says no. Ok the next part will be up soon! :)

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